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Sierra 6.2 Release Notes

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Sierra 6.2 is in general release. Release notes include new and changed features, details on updating your system, and more.

Release Notes

Sierra 6.2 is currently in general release.


 NOTE: Customers with Encore need to be at least Encore 4.6 SP2 in order to upgrade to Sierra 6.2. 

 CAUTION: In Sierra 5.2 and later, the SDA must run on Java 1.8 and will no longer launch if run on Java 1.6 - see Sierra 5.2 Release Notes.


Sierra 6.2 went into general release on June 11, 2024.   We released a Sierra 6.2 Maintenance Release on August 5, 2024. 

This maintenance update version of Sierra 6.2 will display in the Help | About section of the SDA as Software Release: Sierra 6.2.0_12.  The version of Sierra 6.2 released on June 11 will display in the Help | About section of the SDA as Software Release: Sierra 6.2.0_8

Any library, running Sierra 6.1 or older, that preps for update to Sierra 6.2 after August 5, 2024, noon PDT will receive version Sierra 6.2.0_12.  Libraries running Sierra 6.2.0_8 that want the fixes included in Sierra 6.2.0_12 can update to that version by choosing to update (again) to Sierra 6.2.

For further information about what fixes are included in Sierra 6.2.0_12, see Resolved Issues in Sierra 6.2.

A new SMS feature is also included in 6.2.0_12 which is listed in the feature list below.


New features in Sierra 6.2

 Description Recommended Pre-Upgrade Action Recommended Post-Upgrade Action

Batch cancel order records

Libraries want the ability to batch cancel orders to simplify workflows when mistakes are made or at the end of the fiscal period.

A new Batch Cancel Orders function has been added to the Acquisitions Workflows in Sierra.

  • A new permission – 147 (Batch cancel orders) – has been added and must be enabled to use this feature. 
  • The permission works in combination with permissions 148 (Claim/cancel orders) and 79 (Cancel upon vendor notification).
  • A staff member will need permission 178 to post the transactions to complete the cancellation process.
  • Batch cancellation works from a review file of the orders to be cancelled. Sierra ignores whether the orders in the review file are "claimable" or not. 
  • The feature can be used with both monographic and serial orders.
  • Orders can be cancelled with or without cancellation letters to vendors.
  • A summary screen is displayed to show the status of the orders being cancelled.
  • The cancellations must be posted to update the encumbrances and order balances.
None Add permission 147 (Batch cancel orders) to enable the new feature for appropriate users.

Place holds on multiple item or volume records on one bib with a single action

Library staff members can select multiple item (i) records or multiple volume (j) records on a bibliographic record and place holds all at once.

  • A library staff member must have permission 45 (Holds Management) to use this feature.
  • The same patron, pickup location, limit to location, not wanted before date, not wanted after date, and hold note will be used for all holds placed with the same action.
  • If an override is required to place a hold, the override shall allow all the holds to be placed.
    • If multiple override conditions exist, the staff user will need to override each condition separately.
    • Once overridden, the staff user will not need to override the same condition for additional holds.
  • A pop-up screen will confirm the number of holds placed for the user and list any errors in placing holds.



Scope maintenance

Library staff members now have the ability to administer location-based scopes through a new Scoping Rules function in the Sierra client.

Using this function, users will be able to:

  • view a list of scoping rules defined on their system
  • view the list of location(s) assigned to a location-based scoping rule
  • edit the list of location(s) assigned to a location-based scoping rule

To maintain scope rules, users must have permission 13 (Maintain scopemenu/Scope authorities).

One scoping rule can be edited at a time. Once the changes are saved, the scope will be reindexed automatically. 

The state of the scope while changes are being made can be monitored through the history tab.

BCODE-based scope rules can only be updated by Innovative staff.

None Add permission 13 (Maintain scopemenu/Scope authorities) to enable the new feature for appropriate users.

Manage macros in the Admin App

This enhancement provides separate fields in the Admin App to define macros for the SDA and Sierra Web. When the library upgrades to Sierra 6.2+, existing macros are saved in the SDA fields. The Sierra Web macro fields are empty except for the RESERVED fields. Macros can be updated through either the Admin App or the Sierra client.

None None

"Verify Heading" in Item Records

"Verify Heading" functionality has been re-enabled for use with item records. This allows library staff to use it on non-headings fields in item records to verify the uniqueness of call numbers, running numbers, and similar fields. "Verify Heading" can be accessed from the Tools menu or by using the Ctrl-G shortcut keys.

None None

Logout button on Web Management Reports

When staff users log in to Web Management Reports using their SAML credentials, a new logout button / link appears in the user interface to give the user an option to logout when they are done. Staff who login to Web Management Reports using their Sierra login can logout of the user interface simply by closing Web Management Reports.



"MARC" option in authorities APIs

In the Sierra API for authority records, an API user can specify "marc" in the fields to return, and the response will include all MARC data for the record. This feature works with the following API endpoints:

  • GET /v6/authorities/
  • GET /v6/authorities/{id}



Patron validation lockout message in Sierra API

A new patron validation message indicates when a patron has been locked out after five unsuccessful attempts to login. The lockout expires after one minute.

None None

Sierra SMS

This enhancement allows libraries to send SMS notices to patrons for overdue notices, hold pickup notices, and hold cancellation notices. SMS notices require that the library subscribe to the Sierra SMS service and patrons must opt-in to receive SMS messages.

This enhancement is available in the Sierra 6.2 maintenance release (6.2.0_12).



The Sierra SMS service requires a separate subscription. Contact your account manager for more information. Separate fees will apply.

Libraries using the Sierra SMS service with Sierra 6.2 must also be sending supported SMS notice types through LX Starter.



Sierra 6.2 System Changes and Important Fixes

 Description Recommended Pre-Upgrade Action Recommended Post-Upgrade Action

Java heap setting for the SDA

When launching the SDA, the Java heap setting in iiirunner.lax should be updated to 1GB by default, unless the user's configuration for client_heap_size is set to a lower value.
None None

MacOS Sonoma

The SDA has been certified to run on MacOS Sonoma.

None None

PostgreSQL 15

The Sierra database software was upgraded to PostgreSQL 15.

None None

Minimum OS server requirements

Version 7 is no longer supported in Sierra 6.2. 

Your servers will need to be on Oracle Linux 8 or RHEL 8 prior to your Sierra 6.2 upgrade


If your system is hosted, we will contact you proactively to schedule your OS upgrade to Oracle Linux 8. If you have not heard from us or have questions, please open a ticket.  For non-hosted Sierra and Encore servers, please contact your Account Manager so they can quote the necessary services to help with your OS upgrade. None


Known Issues

Please visit the Resolved Issues in Sierra 6.2 solution for information on issues fixed in Sierra 6.2. For a complete list of existing Known Issues from Sierra 2.0 through the present release, see Known Issues for Sierra (2.0-6.2).

Preparing to update your system

System Requirements

Sierra 6.2 will require Red Hat or Oracle Linux version 8 as Red Hat will end of life Centos 7 on July 1, 2024.  During the Prep Phase, the Sierra 6.2 self upgrade checks for the required Operating System and Red Hat Network requirements and will fail if those requirements are not met. Details are contained in the Sierra Self-Upgrade Solution.


Red Hat Network

Access to several repositories and new packages are needed and the upgrade process for Sierra 6.2 will automatically issue Linux package install requests for packages matching the following patterns:


  • apr
  • apr-devel
  • apr-util
  • apr-util-devel
  • ansible
  • curl
  • expat
  • expat-devel
  • expect
  • expect-devel
  • git
  • jq
  • json-c-devel
  • libcurl-devel
  • librabbitmq
  • librabbitmq-devel
  • libxml2
  • libxml2-devel
  • makeself
  • openssl
  • openssl-devel
  • p7zip
  • pcre
  • pcre-devel
  • perl-LDAP
  • python
  • python-jinja2
  • python-requests
  • python2-pip
  • python3-dnf-plugin-versionlock
  • python3-jinja2
  • python3-pip
  • python3-requests
  • python36
  • rabbitmq-server
  • readline
  • readline-devel
  • stunnel
  • tcl
  • unzip
  • wget
  • xorg-x11-fonts-misc
  • xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
  • xorg-x11-utils
  • xz-devel
  • yum-plugin-versionlock
  • zip
  • zlib
  • zlib-devel
  • epel-release (repo)
  • erlang-solutions (repo)
  • erlang
  • logstash (repo)
  • logstash


By issuing these requests automatically during the upgrade, if the system being upgraded to Sierra 6.2 is subscribed to the Red Hat Network (or has otherwise been configured to have online access to a repository of operating system packages) at the time of the Sierra 6.2 upgrade, the package additions for Sierra 6.2 will be made automatically and no action is required on the part of the library even for those libraries ordinarily responsible for operating system updates.


For more information on the Sierra Upgrade External Access, Package, and Maintenance Requirements, please see the Sierra Self-Upgrade Solution.



Release Notes

Release notes include software behavior changes introduced in the update (some may have implications for training or data review prior to upgrade), any actions library staff should take prior to or just after updating the system, and notification of new features and other enhancements included in the update.


 NOTE: After you restart the upgrade process via Admin Corner to begin the Commit Phase, you will see a prompt before you reboot the server into maintenance mode.  The prompt is for a new passkey that you can obtain from CSDirect ( using your login credentials, allowing for software upg

If you have Encore, we highly recommend that you upgrade your Encore to Encore 6.2 soon after installing Sierra 6.2 to keep both Sierra and Encore up to date on the latest and aligning software.

For MyLibrary! customers and Sierra API users who also have the Patron Update Web Service, additional configuration may be necessary to enable all functions in MyLibrary! and the Sierra API.  Please contact Customer Support if you are having trouble updating patron information using the Sierra API or within MyLibrary!.


Actions staff must take

This update consists of a Prep and a Commit Phase. The Commit Phase will require approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour of downtime and a reboot of the Sierra servers (application and database).  A full backup (both application and DB servers) is required within 24 hours of the Commit Phase.  Please review your backup schedule and choose the day/time for the Commit Phase accordingly. Note, if you own an Encore server, it will also be inaccessible during the Commit Phase.

At the end of the Prep Phase, the update process checks for a successfully completed backup within the last 24 hours and will alert you of potential problems.  For customers on 5-day backup schedules, this may indicate that the Prep Phase ran on a day outside the normally scheduled backup. This same check is also performed at the beginning of the Commit Phase. You will not be able to proceed with the Commit Phase until a successful backup is verified.


Updating Your System

If you are a Hosted Sierra system or a Combo (single server) Sierra Training system, please schedule the update with Support. Submit the Sierra Upgrade Request form. 

For libraries running Sierra 2.0 SP2 or newer, you now have the ability to self upgrade via the Admin App. Please visit the Sierra Self-Upgrade Solution.