Resolved Issues in Sierra 6.2
Known Issues List

Issues Fixed in This Release


Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Export button greyed out when viewing Activity for a single Fund

The Export button is greyed out when viewing a single Fund, in the Activity tab of the Funds function.


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Orders reappear in Print/Send Orders after being sent to vendor

A few libraries reported that occasionally, orders that have already been sent reappear in Print/Send Orders.


Sierra 6.5


Fixed in Sierra 6.2.0_12



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Admin Corner behavior after restarting Sierra Web

Sierra 6.1 adds the option to restart Sierra Web via Admin Corner. After a staff member chooses the option to "W > Restart Sierra WEB", Admin Corner requires the Enter key after each subsequent menu option and displays entered usernames and passwords in plain text. The workaround is to quit Admin Corner after restarting Sierra Web and relaunch before performing additional functions.


Sierra 6.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Slowness in Administering Global Applications when many staff users exist

At libraries with thousands of staff users, the Admin Application is slow to display the list of user names when administering global applications.


Sierra 5.6


Fixed in Sierra 6.2



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

PUT /v6/bibs/{id} loses order of variable fields with the same field tag

When creating a bib record or modifying an existing bib with PUT /v6/bibs/{id}, Sierra API does not maintain the order of variable fields as submitted if there are multiple fields with the same field tag. For example, if the submitted variable fields include multiple fields with field tag "d", the fields will all be saved but in a different order than submitted.


Sierra 5.6 2024-02-06

Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Incorrect message when SAPI cannot change pickup location

When attempting to change the pickup location for a hold in transit or holdshelf status, SAPI correctly blocks the pickup location change but returns a message "This hold can not be frozen."


Sierra 5.6 2023-10-05

Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Sierra API always returns hold status "0" for INN-Reach holds

Sierra API returns hold status "0" for all INN-Reach holds, including those that are in transit or ready for pickup.

This issue leads to interfaces that use Sierra API for hold information, including Vega Discover and Bibliocommons, displaying incorrect status information for INN-Reach holds.


Sierra 5.5 2024-08-05

Fixed in Sierra 6.2.0_12



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Verify Headings duplicates subdivision in the extended information

Verify headings duplicates subdivisions |x and |y when "Use 1XX heading selected from the index with your extended information" is selected. Verify headings should not duplicate subdivisions when "Use 1XX heading selected from the index with your extended information" is selected. Extended information subfields should replace the indexed ones.


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Exporting a bib in Catalog includes only one attached item

When a bib export table is configured to export attached item records, exporting in Catalog mode only includes the first attached item in the output file.  Exporting in Data Exchange includes all items, and other child record types are not affected.


Sierra 5.3


Fixed in Sierra 6.2



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Due Slip button incorrectly defaults to print

The Due Slip button in Check Out defaults to Print even when login options are set to default to Email delivery and all the requirements for email due slips are met. An email due slip will be sent if staff choose the Email delivery method manually.


Sierra 6.2


Fixed in Sierra 6.2.0_12

Cancel doesn't stop Reprint Bill

If staff choose Reprint Bill in the patron record and then cancel choosing a printer, the bill still prints.


Sierra 6.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Notices formatted with Print Templates not delivered to patrons

Some libraries report that after upgrading to Sierra 6.1, their notices formatted with Print Templates are not delivered to patrons using some email services, including This delivery issue is related to the email configuration of the Sierra system.


Sierra 6.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Scroll bar in View Circulation History

When viewing an item's Circulation History, a scroll bar appears even if the item has only a couple of history entries and no need to scroll.


Sierra 6.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Checked-Out Items tab blanks during renewal

If staff renew items in the Checked-Out Items tab, and any items show a pop-up message, the list of checked-out items blanks temporarily. The items reappear once the renewal action is complete.


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Print Template popup appears for due slips when Print Templates are not enabled for login

Under a specific due slip configuration, Sierra prompts staff to select a template when printing due slips.  Sierra should not prompt for a template if Print Templates are not enabled for the output type.  The issue occurs with the following configuration:

  • Options | Due Slip: Print enabled and set to "Immediately (one slip per patron)" or "Immediately (one slip per item)"
  • Settings | Print Templates | Due Slip: Use Print Templates unchecked and no preferred templates

To work around the issue, make a due slip template Preferred in login Settings.  Use Print Templates will need to be enabled briefly in order to adjust Preferred Templates.


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

High-Demand Holds pickup location report not matching threshold rules by material type

The High-Demand Holds pickup location report does not match Holds Thresholds rules for a material type, if the material type is not internally space-padded in Holds Thresholds.  This space-padding or lack thereof is not visible when editing in the Holds Thresholds table, so it is not possible for the library either to see whether an entry is affected or to adjust the space-padding.

This issue could manifest either by missing all titles for a given material type from the report or by using the wrong threshold, depending on whether a "* All MAT TYPEs" entry exists for the pickup location in Hold Thresholds.

The system-wide report appears unaffected by this issue.


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Pagination issues with default (text) format Title Paging List

The Title Paging List puts too many entries on one page, causing each "page" of the paging list to spill onto two sheets of paper.  This issue only occurs when internal Sierra configuration is set to send data to the form printer in text format.

Libraries can work around this issue by printing the paging list first to email, by switching to Print Template formatting, or by asking Innovative to configure Sierra to send data to the form printer in graphic format (this is usually done to improve printing of diacritic characters).


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Unable to generate High-Demand Holds report

Libraries with the following combination of factors may be unable to retrieve results in High-Demand Holds:


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Erroneous "No Payment" entries in Fines Paid

If staff renew an overdue item for a patron, Sierra can log a "No Payment" entry to Fines Paid for a different charge on the patron's record. The reporting library noticed this with a Replacement charge that had multiple "No Payment" entries. It is also reproducible with other charge types, including Manual and Overdue. This behavior may be related to loan rules that do not charge overdue fines.


Sierra 5.6


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Cannot send email notices with a diacritic in the From name

A library reports that when they include a diacritic ("ö") in the Library Name file (which is used in the From name on their email notices), their mail server rejects their email notices and will not deliver the emails. The fix encodes the displayed name for From and Reply-To fields to avoid rejection by mail servers.


Sierra 5.6


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Wrong patron on Clear Holdshelf report after back-to-back cancellations

If an item has had multiple holds cancelled while ready for pickup, Clear Holdshelf can display information for the wrong patron.  To reproduce this issue:

  • Check in an item onto the holdshelf
  • Cancel the ready-for-pickup hold, in WebPAC/Encore or in SDA with Multiple Location Holdshelf
  • Check in the item again, putting it on the holdshelf for a second patron
  • Cancel the second hold by the same method
  • Clear the holdshelf in Clear Expired Holds and Holdshelf

When staff View the holdshelf report, it will display both patrons (the most recent and the previous).  When staff Clear the holdshelf, the report will display the patron for the older hold and not the most recent.


Sierra 5.4


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Duplicate annual fee assessed

If a patron pays their annual fee, but staff don't update the patron's EXP DATE before the next morning, Sierra will assess another annual fee. Sierra should only add the annual fee on the patron's exact EXP DATE.


Sierra 5.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.2.0_12



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Create Lists exports incorrect NNB for holds

Some libraries report that when they export the Hold (8) field from Create Lists, the NNB always shows the same date as the hold placed date, even if the hold has a different NNB in Sierra.

Libraries may notice this more in Sierra 6.1 because the configuration that produces this behavior is also required in order to export the Last Status Update field. Exporting Last Status Update is new in Sierra 6.1.


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Show Info does not display query summary for sorted review file

If a review file has been sorted, Show Info does not display the query summary text box unless staff manually enlarge the popup window.  The query table does display at the top of the window.


Sierra 5.6


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Brief record display is blank for resource records

When opening the Summary view of a resource record within Create Lists, the brief record display is blank.


Sierra 5.4


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Exporting item call number outputs bib call number if the item record has none

If "Look up call numbers" in user Settings is disabled when a review file is created, operations on call number for records in that review file should use the item's literal call number and should not fall back to the bib record if the item has no call number.  Create Lists is exporting the bib's call number, even when "Look up call numbers" is disabled for the review file.


Sierra 5.4


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Create Lists exports LOUTDATE field with column header "UNKNOWN"

Some libraries report that when they export the LOUTDATE field from Create Lists, the column header prints as "UNKNOWN".

Libraries may notice this more in Sierra 6.1 because the configuration that produces this behavior is also required in order to export the Last Status Update field. Exporting Last Status Update is new in Sierra 6.1.


Sierra 4.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.2



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Unable to access Coverage Edit

Libraries with the following combination of factors may see an "Unable to connect to database server" error in Coverage Edit:


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.2



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution







Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution







Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution








Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

INN-Reach Title Reports stuck "In Progress"

INN-Reach Title Reports stay "In Progress" and do not complete.

SIERRA-39851 Sierra 6.1 2024-08-05 Fixed in Sierra 6.2.0_12 (central)

Client disconnect on renewing INN-Reach item

The staff client disconnects and quits when attempting to renew an INN-Reach item.

INNR-3656 Sierra 6.1 2024-03-05 Fixed in Sierra 6.2 (local)

Pickup date doesn't display for INN-Reach holds

In WebPAC, ready for pickup INN-Reach holds do not display a pickup date in the patron account.

INNR-3641 Sierra 6.1 2024-03-19 Fixed in Sierra 6.2 (local)

LDAP login on Central fails after the local Sierra enables SAML patron authentication

If a local Sierra system enables SAML patron authentication, patrons can no longer authenticate on the INN-Reach central using LDAP.

SIERRA-39518 Sierra 6.0 2024-07-05 Fixed in Sierra 6.2 (local)



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Edited Scheduler job re-downloads files

When editing a job that has a completed history, the history does not display. Re-saving the job empties the existing (non-displaying) history and causes the next invocation of the job to reprocess all the files.


Sierra 6.2

2024-08-05 Fixed in Sierra 6.2.0_12



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution








Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution








Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

'f' transaction in circ_trans for checkout of non-holdable item

When staff check out a non-holdable item for which the patron also has a bib-level hold, Sierra does not fulfill the patron's hold, but a 'f' filled-hold transaction is written to circ_trans (in addition to the 'o' checkout transaction).


Sierra 5.3


Fixed in Sierra 6.2



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

SDA opens two window panes with Windows magnifier feature

The SDA opens two window panes when using the Windows magnifier feature, using the Docked view option.


Sierra 6.2


Fixed in Sierra 6.2.0_12

SDA cannot open links

When Windows is configured to limit access to CMD or the command prompt program, the SDA is unable to open links, including Web Management Reports (Reports | Web Management Reports) or right-clicking on a patron email address and choosing Send Email.


Sierra 5.5


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

SDA green border while maximized 

If staff maximize the SDA window and then click anywhere in the header frame that does not contain a clickable object, a green border appears around the SDA window. To remove the green border, double-click in the title bar.


Sierra 5.5 


Fixed in Sierra 6.2



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Searching words that are Boolean operators as literal keywords 

When searching in the SDA or Sierra Web for words that are also Boolean operators (e.g. "and", "or", "not"), correct results are only returned if the single word is in quotes, e.g. 'trick "or" treat'. Searching '"trick or treat"' (entire phrase in quotes) does not return results that are found by the other search.


Sierra 6.1 


Fixed in Sierra 6.2.0_12



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution






Also see Known Issues for Vega Products.


Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Unable to access Global Data Workstation in Oxford Economics through WAM

When accessing Oxford Economics Databank through WAM and selecting the "Enter New Databank," the page never loads and instead redirects repeatedly to signin.


Sierra 5.5


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

404 when accessing Women's Wear Daily through WAM

When accessing Women's Wear Daily through WAM, users see a 404 error when trying to access content. They can normally access the first landing page, but accessing articles may result in a 404.


Sierra 5.3


Fixed in Sierra 6.2



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Keyword search does not retrieve titles containing plus symbol (+)

Keyword searches for titles containing plus symbol (+) do not retrieve matching records where the bib has LOCATION "multi".


Sierra 5.6


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Apple iOS mail app does not fully hyperlink password/PIN reset links

When Sierra sends a (plain-text) email with a PIN reset link, the Apple iOS mail app does not always recognize and highlight the full URL. This is an issue with the iOS mail app recognizing valid URLs, but Sierra has been changed to place the link on its own line, which may help both iOS and people to recognize the full URL.

This behavior particularly affects reset URLs generated for library logins when SAML patron authentication is enabled.


Sierra 5.5


Fixed in Sierra 6.2

Subject browse displays diacritics in normalized form

When browsing rotated subject headings, WebPAC displays diacritics in normalized form (e.g. "innovaciones ensen~aanza" instead of "Innovaciones Enseñanza").


Sierra 3.2


Fixed in Sierra 6.2