Resolved Issues in Sierra 6.0
Known Issues List

Issues Fixed in This Release


Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Intermittent freeze when sending orders with FTP in Print/Send Orders

Several libraries report that after transferring orders via FTP in Print/Send Orders, Sierra may become unresponsive.  This issue is intermittent and not reproducible on demand.

The behavior is similar to previous Known Issue SIERRA-30051, for which a fix was created in Sierra 5.2.


Sierra 5.3


Fixed in Sierra 6.0



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Bib records with square brackets or colon cannot be deleted

Sierra fails to delete bib records if a 245, 260, or 264 field contains square brackets or a colon.


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.0.0_7

Headings incorrectly reported as blind if |a contains a period

The authority blind headings report is reporting authorities that are not blind, if they contain a period (.).


Sierra 5.6


Fixed in Sierra 6.0.0_7

Author-only authority records not always sorted before author-title authority records

In Catalog, when an author phrase index search retrieves both author-only and author-title authority records, the author-only records are not always sorted before all author-title authority records.


Sierra 5.5


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Verify Heading drops title from extended information

When verifying a heading in a record, when the title is followed by another subfield (i.e. extended information) and the title is to be replaced with author/title, choosing the extended information drops the title portion.


Sierra 5.5


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Global Update: Command Input tab does not display subfields

In Global Update, when deleting a subfield, the subfield does not display in the Action column of the Command Input tab. (The exception is subfield |b.  Only subfield |b displays in Command Input.) Previewing the changes shows that the subfield would be deleted as expected.  This is a display issue that manifests itself only on the Command Input tab.


Sierra 5.5


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

AACP duplicates |0 that ends in period (.)

Automatic Authority Control processing duplicates subfield |0 in bib record subject headings when the |0 ends in a period/full stop (.).


Sierra 5.4


Fixed in Sierra 6.0.0_7

Find/Replace in URL Checker

In URL Checker, choosing Edit | Replace in the drop-down menu does not open the Find/Replace tool.


Sierra 5.4


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Tab navigation in Edit | Modify Group

When modifying a group of records, if a user first changes the field to modify and then hits Tab, focus does not appear to change.  Hitting Tab a second time moves focus to the second value field in the list.


Sierra 5.4


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Verify Heading: Graphical browse highlights the wrong entry

When verifying a heading in a record, the graphical browse highlights the wrong entry when "Display Only Authority Records" is unchecked.  The first matching entry should be automatically highlighted.


Sierra 5.3


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Saved Replace Subfield command puts Subfld in Subfield Data

When loading a saved Replace Subfield Command, (e.g. "|z") appears in Subfield Data with the field contents (e.g. "|zTest") instead of in Sbfld.


Sierra 5.3


Fixed in Sierra 6.0



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Empty Collection Agency reports not transferred via S3

if a Collection Agency report has no patrons to report, Sierra creates the empty report file (containing only a header) but does not transfer it via S3.  The empty report should be transferred in order to confirm for the collection agency that there is nothing to report that day.


Sierra 6.0.0_6


Fixed in Sierra 6.0.0_7

Automatic Collection Agency reports for settings with automatic reports disabled

If the Collection Agency Settings table contains entries with automatic submissions or updates disabled, Sierra attempts to run automatic reports for those settings anyway.  Sierra updates its internal Collection Agency database as if the report ran, creates an empty report file, and does not transfer that empty file via S3.

For New Submissions, if any patrons meet the setting's criteria for submission, Sierra adds a Collection Agency report charge to the patron records and sets the patron's MBLOCK.  For Updated Patrons, Sierra updates its internal tracking to indicate that a report has been sent.  Sierra does not report any of these actions to the collection agency.

Because of this issue, Innovative is blocking libraries with Collection Agency Settings that could trigger this issue from upgrading to Sierra 6.0 unawares.  Libraries with Settings that do not send automatic reports, either submissions or updates, may open a ticket to consult with our Circulation specialists on how to prevent this issue and to remove the upgrade block once ready.


Sierra 6.0.0_6


Fixed in Sierra 6.0.0_7

High-Demand Holds System-Wide report empty or using incorrect threshold

The High-Demand Holds System-Wide Thresholds report ignores material type specific thresholds and only uses the <SYS> / * All MAT TYPEs threshold, even when the wildcard is correctly at the top of the table.

This issue can appear in different ways:

  • If Hold Thresholds contains no <SYS> wildcard entry, the system-wide report will be empty.
  • If Hold Thresholds contains a <SYS> wildcard entry, that threshold will be used for all records.


Sierra 5.6


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Circa Inventory updates the next barcode when a non-existent barcode is entered

When staff enter a barcode that does not exist in the system in Circa Inventory, Circa updates the next barcode in numerical sequence.  For example, if 31517002004449 does not exist, Circa updates 31517002004451.


Sierra 5.5


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Transfer Inventory Files reorders uploaded file

Uploading inventory files using "Transfer Inventory Files (invent)" results in a rdi file with barcodes in a different order than the original text file.

After the fix, transferring an inventory file will not reorder the barcodes but will deduplicate any duplicated barcodes.


Sierra 5.5


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Legacy-formatted paging lists print only the first sheet

At some libraries, the SDA prints only the first sheet of paper for item and title paging lists.  This happens when the paging list is legacy-formatted (not Print Templates), and Innovative has configured Sierra to print graphic data to the form printer (this is done to fix printing of diacritics on notices).  Possible workarounds are to use Sierra Web, format paging lists with Print Templates, print to an email or file-save printer, or contact Innovative to change how data is sent to the form printer.


Sierra 5.4


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Collection Agency: Large Updated Patrons reports miss updates for some patrons

A single Updated Patrons report can contain a maximum of 2000 patrons, or 9999 patrons in Sierra 5.4 and lower.  If updates need to be sent for more than the maximum number for one report, Sierra will produce one report of the maximum size, and the remaining patrons will not receive any updates.  This is most likely to occur when the library purges fines, triggering updates for many patrons at once.

While the number of patrons on one Updated Patrons report is limited, patrons that did not fit on one day's report should stay queued for subsequent reports.  In this fashion, an occasional backlog should be processed over several days.


Sierra 5.3


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Incorrect money amounts in Collection Agency with zero-decimal currency

When Sierra's money format is configured with zero decimals, patrons' MONEY OWED displays incorrect amounts on the screen in Collection Agency mode and on reports.


Sierra 5.3


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Blank pickup location on title paging list for volume-level holds

When a volume-level hold is on the title paging list, its pickup location information is blank.


Sierra 4.2


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Holds with Limit to Location on the Title Paging List

If a title hold is placed and paged, and staff later modify the hold to add a Limit to Location, the hold will continue to page at Locations Served that do not match the hold's location limit.  Holds with Limit to Location should not print on the Title Paging List.


Sierra 1.2.3


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Circulation activity resets Highest Level Odues block to zero

In the following scenario, a patron's HLODUES field can be incorrectly reset to zero:

  • The patron's HLODUES field meets Highest Level Odues in the Patron Blocks table
  • The patron has at least one item with # OVERDUE greater than zero
  • A circulation transaction occurs on the patron record (e.g. checkout, renewal, or hold)
  • The patron still has at least one item with # OVERDUE greater than zero

If the patron's remaining overdue items meet the Highest Level Odues block, the patron will not be blocked from subsequent circulation activity.

Note: By default, HLODUES is hidden.  For more detail about HLODUES field behavior, see Fixed-length Fields in Patron Records.


Sierra 1.2.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.0



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Cannot reuse review file after cancelling query

If a user cancels a Create Lists query and tries to run a new search using the same review file, Sierra displays a message "Unable to lock review file number XXX."

Staff can make the review file slot available again by closing the SDA or by deduplicating and emptying the (already empty) review file.


Sierra 5.3


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Searching for LPATRON = 0 returns patrons with LPATRON

A search for patrons with LPATRON = 0 includes patron records in the result set where LPATRON does not equal 0.


Sierra 5.3


Not reproducible in Sierra 6.0

Create Lists: sorting Saved Searches by Query Name only sorts ascending

In Create Lists Saved Searches, clicking on the "Query Name" column header sorts only in ascending order.  Clicking a second time on the header does not switch to descending order. 


Sierra 5.3


Fixed in Sierra 6.0



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

"Library Has" not showing in WebPAC for some holdings records after Coverage Load

After Coverage Load, some records show "Library Has" in the SDA but not in WebPAC.


Sierra 5.4


Fixed in Sierra 6.0



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Blank patron record created when "-" used for PTYPE 

When invalid value "-" is submitted for the numeric PTYPE field, the Patron Update Web Service creates a blank patron record with no fields.


Sierra 5.2 2023-01-04

Fixed in Sierra 6.0 



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Cross Tab Statistics displays "Scat error" and blank entries

In the following scenario, Cross Tab Statistics displays "Scat error" and blank entries:

  • Multiple SCAT tables exist
  • The records in the specified range or review file include a mix of call numbers from multiple SCAT tables
  • In Cross Tab Field Selection, Vertical is set to a SCAT table that is not the library's primary table


Sierra 5.3


Fixed in Sierra 6.0



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Replacement charge not reduced when renewing a billed INN-Reach item

When staff at the borrowing library renew an INN-Reach item that has been billed, and the INN-Reach Central is configured to check for holds at the owning institution when a patron renews, the replacement charge is not reduced even if the renewal is ultimately successful. This only occurs when renewing in Check Out (Circulation Desk) mode, not in Renew (No Patron) mode.

INNR-3024 Sierra 5.2 2022-10-11 Fixed in Sierra 6.0 and INN-Reach 3.7



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

GET /patrons/{id}/holds does not return item's volume information

When a patron has a hold on an item with a volume (v) field, GET /patrons/{id}/holds does not return the volume information in the callNumber field.


Sierra 5.4 2022-10-31

Fixed in Sierra 6.0



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Scheduler fails to output MARC records to ExLibris using MFT key

Scheduler fails to output MARC records to ExLibris using MFT key and never completes its task.


Sierra 6.0.0_6


Fixed in Sierra 6.0.0_7

Task name not in the subject of Scheduler emails

In Sierra 5.4 and later, Scheduler emails should include the task name in the subject.  Emails for Create Review File tasks include the task name, but other task types do not.


Sierra 5.4


Fixed in Sierra 6.0



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Cannot enter date-formatted fixed-length fields with numpad

In Sierra Web, staff cannot enter date-formatted fixed-length fields (e.g. patron EXP DATE, bib CAT DATE) using the keyboard's numeric keypad.  Staff must use the number keys on the main keyboard.


Sierra 5.5


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

"Loading..." when searching INN-View for authority records

In Sierra Web, when searching INN-View for authority records, no results are displayed after "Your entry xxxx would be here."  Instead, all subsequent lines display "Loading..."


Sierra 5.3


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Unable to add or edit prompts on record templates in Sierra Web

In Sierra Web, when editing record templates, clicking the "Prompt" button does not add a prompt as expected.  If a field already has a prompt, no yellow arrow displays to indicate the prompt.


Sierra 5.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Open URL for 856 fields in Sierra Web

When viewing a full bib record in Sierra Web, the context menu that appears when right-clicking on some URLs in 856 fields does not contain the "Open URL" option.


Sierra 5.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.0



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

JAWS says "Enter" but only "Spacebar" selects buttons

In Check Out (Circulation Desk), the JAWS screen reader says to use "Enter" to select New, Edit, and Close buttons, but only the "Spacebar" key activates the buttons.


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.0.0_7

Freeze when creating new patron in accessibility mode

When "Use accessibility mode" is enabled in login Options, the SDA freezes when staff click the New button in Check Out (Circulation Desk).


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.0.0_7



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

403 Forbidden when logging out of Vega

When the COOKIE_DOMAIN web option is configured, patrons logging out of their account in Vega will not be redirected back to Vega.  The logout is successful, but a "403 Forbidden" page appears instead of the Vega home page.


Sierra 5.5


Fixed in Sierra 6.0



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

"Too many redirects" in WAM with SAML patron authentication

Several libraries using SAML for patron authentication report that patrons receive a 302 "too many redirects" error after accessing a WAM URL and entering their credentials.


Sierra 5.4


Sierra 6.0.0_7



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Scoped searches for authors do not return "See" references

When a patron performs a scoped search for an author name, WebPAC displays "Your entry XXX would be here" instead of displaying links for See references.


Sierra 5.5


Fixed in Sierra 6.0.  The library will need to rescope authority records after upgrade for the fix to take effect.

Record browse for an author index search sorts incorrectly by call number

In WebPAC if a user searches the author index, selects an author entry, and changes the sort to Call Number, some entries are duplicated, and results are not sorted correctly by call number.


Sierra 5.4


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Name authentication accepts only the first name field in the patron record

If a patron record contains multiple n-tagged name fields, the patron must enter data from the first name field in order to authenticate successfully.  The second name field is not accepted.


Sierra 5.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

Search history does not display the scope name of the last scope

WebPAC search history does not show the scope name for the last scope defined in the Scope Menu.


Sierra 5.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.0

CJK keywords not highlighted in records

If a user enters a CJK phrase for a keyword search, WebPAC highlights the phrase in the results but does not highlight each character if it appears individually in the record.


Sierra 5.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.0