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Polaris Resources to Close Physical Locations

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Innovative Customer Support has prepared a FAQ document in order to help libraries answer questions around preparing for closures due natural disasters, Coronavirus (COVID-19) or other unplanned events.


During this unprecedented period, we want to ensure you that Innovative is here to help.  Innovative is operating normally and prepared to continue delivering our services. Our customer support and professional services teams are adept at working remotely and have video or teleconference tools we can use to meet with you.


We understand that many libraries are temporarily closing or changing their services.  Innovative Customer Support has prepared a solution in order to help libraries answer questions around preparing for closures due natural disasters, Coronavirus (COVID-19) or other unplanned events.


We hosted a webinar on March 24, 2020 to walk through the information in this guide. Here is a copy of the webinar presentation: Polaris Resources to Close Physical Locations - Webinar Slides

You can also access the recording of this webinar here:


Patron Services FAQ and Resources

Q: What to do if a branch/ branches are closing?  

A: The solution Considerations if your library is temporarily closing  provides a list of settings to consider updating in preparation for a closure as well as preparing for re-opening.  This solution covers settings and updates for fines, holds, PAC and telephony.



Q: How to extend due dates and/or renewal limits?

A: See the solution Considerations if your library is temporarily closing .  If you do not want fines charged while any of the branches are closed, add the closed dates to the Dates Closed policy table for the appropriate Library or Branch levels.


If you would like to reset all the due dates of item currently out, please log a ticket with your Site Manager as this change can be made via SQL.


If you are still open and a patron at the desk is looking for longer checkout dates, see the solution Can I change the due date of items that are already checked out?


Resetting renewal limits is not an ideal approach as the limits are set in the item record with defaults in the item record templates.  Every item would have to be updated via bulk change to edit the renewal limits.   


Q: How to waive fines and overdues?

A: See the solution Considerations if your library is temporarily closing .  Additionally, these three links discuss workflows to allow all material returned to be fine free:


Q: How do we temporarily suspend Collection Agency processing? We do not want any new Submission or Update reports sent while the library is closed.

A: If you would like to temporarily suspend Collection Agency, you can halt the scheduled report processing by selecting the Stop option within the Control tab of the Collection Agency Setup found under Parameters--> Patron Services. This will prevent both the Submission and Update reports from generating until the library re-opens and the Start option is re-selected. Note: This is the desired workflow to a temporarily halt collection agency submissions. Do not disable the SQL job and do not uncheck "Enable Collection Agency" if you do not wish to permanently stop submissions.


Q: What should we do about our holds?  How to modify existing hold dates?

A: If you want holds to be picked-up certain locations, see the solution Re-routing holds during brief branch closure.  


If you would like to reset all the Held Till Dates of item currently on hold, please log a ticket with your Site Manager as this change can be made via SQL.


If items go into a Held status during check-in, or if Staff choose to continue forth with placing items into a Held state, it might be good to consider the language used on the Hold notices. This can be done through the Web Admin / Language Editor. Some of the language strings used within Hold Notices, which could be updated are:
For: Email
Language String ID: NT_HOLD_EM_TEXT
Default Language Used: “The following items are being held for you at the library. Please pick the items up on or before the date indicated.”
For: Text
Language String ID: NT_HOLD_SMS_TEXT
Default Language Used: “You may pickup [TITLE] at [BRANCH] until [DATE].”
For: Mailer
Language String ID: NT_HOLD_M_TEXT
Default Language Used: “The following items are being held for you at the library. Please pick the items up on or before the date indicated.”


Q: How to stop or edit patron notices?

A: If you want to stop patron notices, please submit a ticket for your Polaris Site Manager.  If you have turned on the auto-renew functionality, there are additional considerations to stopping notices that support can discuss with you.


The text for patron notices can be found in the Web Admin / Language Editor tool.  For instructions, login to Web Admin and click on Help.   


Q: How to post special hours or closures on the PAC?

A: See the solution Considerations if your library is temporarily closing.   


Hours of Operations are stored in Administration Explorer under Parameters --> Patron Services --> Hours of Operation.  This setting controls the branch hours displayed in the PAC.  Additionally, use the Hours of Operation Message found under Profiles--> PAC to display a note with the standard Hours of Operation (e.g. The library will be closing at 6pm on March 15th).  

You can also use the Portal Custom Content (URL) to display a message on the PAC portal page.  The steps to implementing this options can be found in the solutions How to create Portal Custom Content in PAC.


Q:How can we edit / add a custom Greeting or Announcement to Polaris Phone Attendant to alert our patrons to the closure?

A: You can locate step by step instructions for adding or editing the language strings utilized by Polaris Phone Attendant in the solution titled Add a custom Greeting or Announcement to Polaris Phone Attendant


System Management FAQ and Resources

Q: Are there options for remote access to the ILS?

A: Staff access is determined by your server set-up and IT policies.   One option for access outside the library is Leap, aka the Polaris Web Application.  Please log a ticket if you have any questions.


Additionally, customers hosted by Innovative, please log a ticket to discuss options.


Q: What to do about scheduled upgrade or migrations?

A: We are prepared to continue as planned.  Please contact support to confirm, provide additional contact information, or reschedule.


Q: What to do about scheduled projects or services?

A: For most services, we are prepared to continue as planned.  Contact your assigned project manager or support to confirm or reschedule.

When you are ready to reopen see the solution Considerations for Opening Physical Locations.