Can I change the due date of items that are already checked out?

If you have the "Reset due date: Allow" permission, you have the ability to change the due dates of selected items after they have been checked out (items must have the status of "Out"). You can update a patron's due dates from both the Check Out and Patron Status workforms by following these steps:

From the Check Out workform:

1) Select the items from the list view of the items that have been checked out.

2) Select Tools --> Reset Due Date, or select the Reset Due Date icon, or press CTRL + ALT + D.

3) Select a new date for the items to be due from the calendar and click OK.

From the Patron Status workform:

1) Select the items from the list view of the items out page.

2) Select the Reset Due Date icon or press CTRL + ALT + D.

3) Select a new date for the items to be due from the calendar and click OK.

The new due date that you are selecting in the calendar must be in the future. If the selected date is a closed date, the system will display a message, and you will need to select a new date or cancel the operation. You may also see messages for item blocks. For more information, please refer to the "Reset due dates of checked-out items" Polaris help file.