Release Notes
NOTE: Sign up for Vega release notes and announcements in your email Inbox here
TIP: Submit and vote on Vega enhancements through Idea Exchange
Table of Contents
- NOTE: Sign up for Vega release notes and announcements in your email Inbox here
- TIP: Submit and vote on Vega enhancements through Idea Exchange
- 2024-12-10
- 2024-12-06
- 2024-11-13
- 2024-11-07
- 2024-11-06
- 2024-10-29
- 2024-10-10
- 2024-10-03
- 2024-10-02
- 2024-09-27
- 2024-09-23
- 2024-09-26
- 2024-09-04
- 2024-08-14
- 2024-06-20
- 2024-05-01
- 2024-04-17
- 2024-04-03
- 2024-03-14
- 2024-02-28
- 2024-02-15
- 2024-01-31
- Vega Program Outage: Root Cause Analysis
- 2024-01-17
- 2024-01-04
- Click here for 2024 Vega Program Release Notes
Release Notes
Click the version number in the footer to see up-to-date information.
- Resolved an issue where the name fields on the event booking page were grayed out for guest bookings when 'Event Name Fields Locking' was enabled in the advanced settings.
- Updated default confirmation emails to include event end times.
- Added team aggregates and detailed event breakdowns for outreach events on the stats page.
- Released a new widget integrations page, allowing libraries to easily embed various widgets, including the Featured Carousel, Event Calendar, and Room Finder, directly on their websites.
- Added Amharic as an available UI language.
- Enhanced search functionality to support partial keyword matches for event names.
- Added the ability to create and manage equipment sets, allowing staff to bundle multiple items as a single bookable unit.
- Added the ability to set a limit on the maximum number of future equipment bookings allowed per member.
- Added a 'View by' filter in the Equipment Calendar to toggle between displaying bookings by Booker or by Equipment.
- Fixed an issue where the waiting space could not be claimed for paid events with payment options set to offline only.
- Added event location details to default confirmation and reminder emails.
- Included event descriptions in keyword search.
- A 'Sort By' filter was added to the event search results.
- Added a new "Booking via Staff Only" option for event bookings, allowing staff to manage all bookings through the staff panel, while patrons are unable to book themselves.
- Added more granular permission controls, including permissions for overriding guest booking restrictions and room bookings outside of opening hours.
- Added staff override for equipment booking to manage edge cases when the remaining quantity falls below the minimum booking limit.
- Added the option for staff to provide an optional rejection reason when rejecting room or equipment bookings, which is sent to the user.
- Added functionality to allow adding past events to the platform for data logging.
- Fixed an issue with copying settings when creating new equipment.
- Fixed an issue where private categories were not displayed in event templates.
- Room location is now displayed on the event flyer.
- Staff can now directly manage setup and cleanup times for a room booking, with default values auto-populated based on the selected room layout.
- Added the ability to delete unpublished events with no bookings.
- Event categories are now separated into 'Event Categories' and 'Private Categories' in the event settings to improve organization and enhance staff-only filtering.
- Added the ability to add a custom button to the header.
- Added the ability to edit images in email templates.
Custom Header Link A new field has been added that will allow you to customize the text, URL, and the option to select one of 10 button icons. Go to Advanced > Website Settings to find these new fields.
Room Parents Support was added to allow rooms to have multiple parent relationships.
Email Notification Customization Admins have the ability to customize the email templates for room and equipment bookings. Go to Advanced > Manage Email Templates to get started.
Languages Languages can be enabled/disabled directly from the Advanced > Manage Languages menu. Languages are in alphabetical order based on the first column. To see the event names and details translated, set "Machine Translations for Events" to enable it under Settings.
To change any of the translated UX text:
To request that a language be enabled, please open a Support ticket.
Calendar Filters
As part of deploying multilingual, the calendar filters have flipped from the right side of the page to the left side to be more compliant with accessibility standards. For right-to-left languages, the navigation will flip to be on the right side of the page.
Default to Calendar View
For libraries that would prefer that the landing page defaults to the Calendar View, you can accomplish this by updating the link on your website, see the example below.
{base URL}/?view=calendar
Accessibility Improvements
Keyboard navigation has been implemented for
- multi-select
- events calendar, and
- series toggle functionalities.
ARIA labels have been added to buttons across the platform to enhance accessibility.
API Improvements
resources_needed attribute has been added for room bookings.
My Events Shows Cancelled Events
Users can now see cancelled events they had registered for on their "My Events" page. They will see a "CANCELLED" label next to the event name.
Custom Questions
A bug that was causing the maximum and minimum lead times to be ignored for equipment bookings has been resolved.
Apple Pay/Google Wallet
For libraries that charge for events or equipment, customers using the Innovative Mobile app can use Apple Pay or Google Wallet as their payment method.
Logo Changes
Library Admins can upload logos from the Advanced Options menu. There are two locations where a logo can be seen:
- Logo on header
- Logo on brochures and receipts
Added support for the custom transaction ID for room booking creation.
Bug Fixes
Waitlist Capacity
A bug was fixed where the waitlist capacity settings were not functioning correctly when set to a number less than the current waitlist count.
Brochure Logo Display
Addressed a display issue on brochures where logos overlaid content when too wide.
Pending Bookings Count
A bug was fixed where there was an occasional discrepancy in the count of pending bookings displayed on staff email notifications.
Performance Optimization
Significant performance improvements have been made across the platform to enhance overall responsiveness and speed, particularly on the staff home page.
Linkify Support
When creating An Important Message, any links used are now clickable to enhance the user experience and interaction.
Equipment Booking
From the patron's booking page, they are now able to see equipment booked.
The 'max_sessions_per_patron' field has been added to the APIs. It is used to indicate the maximum number of sessions a patron can register for in multi-session events.
Custom Questions
A bug was resolved that affected the recording of answers for custom questions in events with multiple sessions.
Microsoft Active Directory
Issues were address for user permission issues specific to accounts created.
Room Booking
An issue was resolved where an email address was not associated with the room booking.
Equipment Booking
A bug was resolved where the minimum and maximum quantity required for equipment booking was not respected.
UI Glitches
Multiple minor issues were resolved where the UI was glitching, including text changes not saving.
Event Scheduling
When creating an event, staff can also choose when the event will be published. Please note that the Publish Event Directly option has moved into the Submit Event drop down menu.
Series Name
The Series field will retain capital letters, allowing you to use acronyms in your series names.
Publish Event Directly Workflow
An audit log entry has been added when events skip the full approval process.
UI Text Editing
Admins will notice changes to the UI Text editing page, these changes are in preparation of adding multilingual support.
Please note: there is a known issue where you are unable to save a UI text edit, the error message asks you to select a language.
Canceled Events
A bug was fixed where under rare circumstances a room would still be held after canceling an event.
Room Links when Multiple Filters are Applied
A bug was fixed where the last room in a custom room filter did not appear.
A bug was fixed where the sponsor logo would not accurately upload.
- A glitch was fixed for events with custom booking open dates.
- Resolved inconsistency in the "is_fully_booked" field in the API for events with multiple sessions.
Publish Immediately
Users who can publish events now have the ability to override the event approval process and publish an event immediately.
UI Text
More text is editable by Admins.
Bug Fixes
API Filtering
A bug was fixed where the API was showing incorrect items when being filtered.
Confirmation Emails
A bug was fixed where room booking confirmation were being sent instead of equipment confirmations.
Booking Approvals
A bug was fixed where bookings without names could not be approved. (empty name) is now displayed as a hyperlink.
Reminder Emails
A bug was fixed where incorrect text was displayed in reminder emails.
Age Display
A bug was fixed where fractional years would not display on the series list view.
24-hr Time
A bug was fixed where an instance of 24-hr time was displayed instead of 12-hr time on the calendar view of room bookings and events.
Patron Pending Room Reservations
A bug was fixed where patron room reservation were being overridden by staff creating events.
Guest Impersonation
A bug was fixed where the list of events under Event Tickets had the same event name of the last event the guest registered for.
A bug was fixed where cancelled events were shown with no indication they were canceled when impersonating a guest.
Date Formatting
A bug was fixed when adding an event with recurring dates, the format prompt was DD-MM-YYYY instead of MM-DD-YYYY.
Create a Database of Organizations
New tools have been added to facilitate creating a curated database of organizations.
- Click the Advanced Menu.
- Click the Manage Custom Questions button.
- Click the Create Custom Questions button.
- Enter a Question Title, for example, Select your organization.
- Set the Question Type to Dropdown.
- Set Required to Yes.
- Add an Option for when the reservation is not connected to an organization, for example, This room booking is not for an organization.
- Add an Option for when the reservation is connected to an organization that has not been added to the database, for example, My organization is not listed. Please add the organization supplied in the next question.
- Add an option for other known organizations, for example Troop #206 or the Eastside Flower Arranging Club.
- Select where the Question Template should be applied:
- Event Booking
- Room Booking
- Equipment Booking.
- Click the Create button.
- Edit the question to enable the question in Search Filters
- Click the Update button.
Collect New Organization Names for the Database
- Click the Advanced Menu.
- Click the Manage Custom Questions button.
- Click the Create Custom Questions button.
- Enter a Question Title, for example, Please add my organization or group.
- Set Question Type to Short or Long Answer.
- Set Required to No.
- Select where the Question Template should be applied, Event Booking, Room Booking, and Equipment Booking.
- Click the Create button.
- Edit the question to enable the question in Search Filters and click the Update button.
Add New Organizations to the Database
- Click the Advanced Menu.
- Click the Manage Custom Questions button.
- Click the Edit button for the Select your organization question.
- +Add an option and enter the new organization name to the database.
Add Saved Questions to a Room
- Click the Room Management menu.
- Edit a meeting room.
- Set Custom Questions to Yes.
- Click + Load from saved questions and select your questions.
- Click the Save Changes button.
Patron View
- When booking a meeting room, patrons will see the questions added and have the option to submit a new organization for the database.
Add, Edit, Search, or Approve a Booking
From Room Bookings:
- Use the Check Availability tab to add a new booking. You'll have the option to choose an organization from the dropdown.
- Use the Booking Search tab to search by question template.
- Use the Pending Approval tab to review a booking. You'll have the option to change the organization from the dropdown.
Alternate Hours
Admins have a new tool that will allow them to schedule alternate hours. Setting your hours globally before configuring individual meeting rooms will pre-populate the available hours.
- Click the Room Management menu.
- Click the Bulk Update/Schedule Update button.
- Below the days of the week, use the Rooms to Be Updated filter to select all or some of your rooms.
- Select the Availability for the days of the week.
- Set the Available From and Available Until hours. You may add additional ranges if you have split open hours.
- Set you Update Timing to immediately or schedule the update for a specific date.
- Click the Apply Updates button.
- Confirm your changes by clicking the Submit button.
- Your changes will be reflected in the Scheduled Updates section and can be cancelled at the individual location level.
Website Links
Admins have new functionality to update the links shown on Vega Program. Please note that Terms and Conditions and Insurance will continue to be managed on the back end, this allows libraries to use different terms for each meeting rooms.
- Click the Advanced menu.
- On the Advanced Options page scroll down to update:
- Library Website (header)
- Sign Up Page (log in)
- Password Reset Page (log in)
- Booking Policy for Events (event registration)
- Privacy Policy (footer)
- Contact Page (footer)
- Locations Directory (footer)
Icons for Registration and Paid Events
On the staff side, icons have been added to the calendar view to provide at-a-glance information from the Room Calendar menu.
Append Dates to Bulk Bookings
Bulk bookings are more efficient and allow more than one recurrence pattern.
- Click the Room Bookings menu.
- Click the Bulk Bookings tab.
- Staff can create bookings for guests using the email address field.
- After picking your start date, use the Append button to add a different recurrence period.
Vega Program Outage: Root Cause Analysis
On January 9 and 10, some of our Vega Program libraries reported service interruptions, including Bad Gateway, Gateway time-out, and Cloudflare errors.
As always, our goal is to provide an excellent user experience to your staff and your communities. Thank you for reporting the incidents quickly and working with our team while we resolved them.
If you experience any incidents in the future, please report them through a Supportal ticket.
Affected Products
Vega Program - North America
Event Timeline
The service interruption was experienced by North American customers during the following hours, causing Vega Program to be unavailable.
- January 9, 2024 from 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm Eastern Standard Time
- January 10, 2024 from 10:43 am - 11:16 am Eastern Standard Time
Root Cause Analysis and Preventative Measures
Program engineers investigated this event to determine the root cause of this issue and concluded that a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack from the same source caused an unexpected disruption over 2 separate time periods.
Immediately after noticing the issue, engineers began restorative measures. After the initial outage on January 9 ended, another DDoS on January 10 and was quickly stopped due to knowledge of the source and situation.
Additional measures have been taken to prevent service disruptions, you may see a screen to verify that you are a human.
At-a-Glance Icons
On the public-facing list view, icons are now available to help identify several event characteristics like payment or registration required.
Equipment Menus
Equipment has been moved into distinct menus to help staff get to the view they need more quickly.
- Equipment Bookings
- Equipment Calendar
- Equipment Management (Admins)
Payment transaction_ID
Has been added to several API endpoints.
Security Improvements
Additional measures have been taken to prevent service disruptions.
To help facilitate the phaseout of Spaces, Admins are no longer able to create new Spaces within the system. The existence of Spaces within a location may interfere with the ability of the API to return accurate room booking counts. To fix this issue, delete any Spaces within a location and recreate them as Rooms.
Resource Bookings
Details and item counts now properly appear in the Resource API endpoint.
Brochure Generation
A bug has been fixed where an intermittent error message was displayed when attempting to generate a brochure.
Event Search
A bug has been fixed where more results than were accurate displayed after applying search criteria.
Multi-Select Event Filters
The "All Libraries" and "All Categories" dropdowns will allow users to select more than one filter at a time.
API Documentation
The postman documentation has been updated with 5 new endpoints for managing resources, they are very similar to the endpoints available for room bookings. Differences to be aware of are:
- availability_of_the_date returned is no longer true or false, but the quantity of the item available.
- resource_categories are also added to the /organization endpoint.
Staff Roles
Admins have new functionality to create roles and assign them to staff. From the Advanced Menu choose Manage Staff Accounts. There is a new option to Manage Staff Role. You can create a new role and select granular permissions, or you can clone an existing role and make changes.
UI Text Editing
Admin will see more options added, including:
- A special note about age restrictions.
- Modify the text for where a virtual event takes place.