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Resolved Issues in Sierra 6.3

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Issues fixed in Sierra 6.3, Acquisitions, Cataloging, Circulation, Encore, Web Access Management, Web Management Reports, WebPAC, known issues

Known Issues List

Issues Fixed in This Release


Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Searching for invoices does not return results on multi account unit systems

On systems with multiple accounting units, when staff search in Browse Invoices by vendor code, voucher, title, or order, search results never appear. The system continues to display a blue circle as if the search is in progress.

Invoice number searches do return results.


Sierra 6.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Invoice PAID field shows up to 3 digits in number of copies

If the number of copies for an invoice is 1000, the PAID field shows only the first three digits (e.g. "100").  (The number of copies ordered is limited to 1000.)


Sierra 5.6


Fixed in Sierra 6.3



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Unable to save changes to users' Options or Settings in Admin App

Several libraries report an exception error when attempting to save changes to the Options or Settings tabs in Authorizations and Authentication.

The text "ognl.NoSuchPropertyException" appears in a blue bar in the middle of the screen.


Sierra 6.2


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Unable to save changes to users' Basic Info in Admin App

Several large libraries with many funds, locations, and users report an exception error when attempting to save changes to the Basic Info tab in Authorizations and Authentication.

The text "java.lang.NullPointerException" appears in a blue bar in the middle of the screen.


Sierra 6.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Can only Append/Insert/Delete one code at a time in Branches

Only one Append, Insert, or Delete action can be performed on the Branches table until staff close and reopen the table. Staff can Append and then Insert once but must close and reopen the table before they can perform either action again.


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

"AuthAuthTab( users )" in Admin Application

If a staff member edits a staff login in the Admin Application and then clicks "Back to Users", an extra tab "AuthAuthTab( users )" appears. This extra tab functions the same as the Users tab and is only affects display.


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.3



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Sierra API: PUT /v6/patrons/{id} adds variable fields insted of overwriting

If an API consumer attempts to write a variable field using "varFields", SAPI adds an additional instance of that variable field tag instead of overwriting the existing field. This can result in patron records with duplicated variable fields.


Sierra 6.1 2024-10-02

Fixed in Sierra 6.3

DELETE /v6/patrons/holds/{holdId} cannot cancel one of multiple holds

If a patron has multiple holds on one bib record, the DELETE /v6/patrons/holds/{holdId} endpoint cannot cancel one of those holds. The response is "Record not found."


Sierra 6.1 2024-08-07

Fixed in Sierra 6.3 



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Connection timeout with SFTP in Data Exchange

Several libraries on Oracle Linux or Red Hat 8 report a connection timeout with SFTP file transfer in Data Exchange.


Sierra 6.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Rapid Update empties Current Command when leaving the function

If a user starts a Rapid Update on many records, moves to another function, and comes back before the previous Rapid Update has finished, the Current Command list is empty.


Sierra 6.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

AACP duplicates subfield |0

AACP duplicates data in subfield |0 in subject headings in bib records, when there is a space at the end of the subfield |0.


Sierra 6.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Macro Ctrl-F1 does not activate when editing bib variable fields

When the cursor is in a bib record variable field, hitting Ctrl-F1 does not insert the text configured for the macro, and the cursor appears stuck for a few seconds.

Ctrl-F1 is a reserved key combination and is not available for macros. The fix is to mark Ctrl-F1 as reserved in Macros settings.


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Verifying headings with Ctrl-G, with the extended information option incorrectly updates 100 field

In Sierra Catalog function, verifying headings with Ctrl-G in a bibliographic record, when using the extended information option, removes the comma before the 100 field subfield |e and adds a space.


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Selecting location codes in Rapid Update

When rapid updating bib location codes and selecting the option to "Change specific old BRANCH codes to a new BRANCH code," specific steps can cause Sierra to select a different location code than the one intended.

If staff start to type a location code and then click on the desired code in the drop-down, Sierra will use a different location than the one that was clicked.

If staff start to type a location code and then hit the Tab key once Sierra highlights the desired code, Sierra will use the intended location code.


Sierra 5.6


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

WebBridge/Pathfinder Pro icon disappears and reappears in record editor

When staff edit a record in Catalog, the WebBridge/Pathfinder Pro icon appears and reappears when staff click the Edit, View, or Save buttons.


Sierra 5.6


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Delete Items requires permission 108

The Delete Item function requires permission 108 (Delete bib and all linked records). Only permission 125 (Delete items required) should be required.


Sierra 5.6


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

See and See Also display when searching LC Subject

When searching by LC Subject in Catalog mode, the first 4xx field in the authority record displays instead of the terms in the 4XX field that matches the terms searched.


Sierra 5.5


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Data Exchange: Discrepancy in record loading counts

After loading records in Data Exchange, Sierra displays counts of records processed, inserted, overlaid and created both in "Record Loading Statistics" and in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. These counts do not match.


Sierra 5.5


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Data Exchange export error messages include a meaningless number

Error messages from exporting bib records in Data Exchange include a slash and an additional number after the record number, for example "/940728" in the following message:

Mon 19 Sep 2022|b1972488/940728|2|Output record was truncated at 99,999 characters...

This number is not meaningful and has been removed from the message.


Sierra 5.4


Fixed in Sierra 6.3



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Volume holds placed in the staff client do not page

When staff place a hold on a volume record in the staff client, the hold does not page, even if it should be pageable.

The workaround is to place volume-level holds through WebPAC or Encore.


Sierra 6.2


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Item details on message pop-ups at check-in

When staff check in items with message fields (field tag m), the SDA displays item details (title, author, call number, and barcode) on the message pop-up. These details should only display on workstations using Item Status API.

Note: The fix in Sierra 6.3 resolves this issue only for systems entirely without Item Status API. The issue persists for workstations not in the RFID Pad Server Options table, when the Sierra system has Item Status API installed. See SIERRA-40837.


Sierra 6.1


Partially fixed in Sierra 6.3; see SIERRA-40837 in Known Issues

Checked-Out Items tab blanks after clicking Claim Returned or Mark Lost Items

If staff click the Claim Renewed or Mark Lost Items button in the Checked-Out Items tab, the list of items disappears. The list of items remains empty after completing the action and can be recovered by switching to another tab and back.


Sierra 6.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Title Paging List pages branches with priority 0 (zero)

This issue affects libraries where multiple cycles for title paging are enabled, one or more branches have Paging Priority set to 0 (zero) in the Hold Pickup Locations table to prevent paging, and items at those branches are otherwise holdable and pageable.

The branches with Paging Priority zero do not page on the first cycle (correctly), but if the hold remains unfilled and starts a second cycle, Sierra incorrectly adds the non-paging branches to the list of branches to page for the hold.


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.3



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Exporting "Last Status Update" displays "3302" column with empty data

When exporting "Last Status Update" and also any MARC 006, 007, or 008 subfields, a column header "3302" with no data is exported instead of "Last Status Update".


Sierra 6.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Missing text qualifier when exporting empty fields from review files

When an export from Create Lists includes empty fields, the empty field is not enclosed in text qualifiers (for example, quotation marks).

The output looks like "p10047530",,"1" instead of the expected "p10047530","","1".


Sierra 6.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Selecting from dropdowns in Create Lists query editor

When editing a query in Create Lists, using a combination of keyboard and mouse click to select an entry from a drop-down menu can result in selecting a different entry than intended.

For example, when selecting a Field, if you press the down arrow on your keyboard until the desired field name is highlighted and then click on it using the mouse, a different field will be used.


Sierra 5.4


Not reproducible in Sierra 6.3

Create Lists filter reverts to All after exporting or listing

When a user selects the "Limited" or "Completed" filter in Create Lists and then Exports or Lists a review file, the filter reverts to "All" after the action is completed.


Sierra 5.2


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Exporting or listing ERM Link in checkin records omits check digit

When the checkin record ERM Link field is exported or listed in Create Lists, the output omits the resource record number's check digit (e.g. "SLKe1001001" should be "SLKe10010014").


Sierra 5.2


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Exporting Loan Rule field for not-checked-out items

Create Lists exports a blank/empty value in the Loan Rule field for not-checked-out items.  The expected behavior is to see a 0 (zero) value in the Loan Rule for items that are not checked out.


Sierra 4.3


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Exporting COPIES and repeated field delimiter

if the order record COPIES field is included as one of the fields to export, all instances of repeated fields will be separated by the "field delimiter" instead of the "repeated field delimiter."


Sierra 4.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Cannot search for 'has "\"'

A search for 'has "\"' (backslash) is stored as 'has ":"' (colon) and finds records that do not contain backslash.


Sierra 3.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.3



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution








Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution







Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution







Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

SAML login for WMR Funds report shows patron instead of staff page

When SAML authentication is enabled for both patron and staff, accessing the Fund Report in the Web Management Reports browser interface shows the patron authentication page instead of staff. The workaround is to authenticate for another report first before viewing the Fund Report.


Sierra 6.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Garbled cross tab report creation date in Web Management Reports

If a library downloads a Cross Tab report using the Web Management Reports spreadsheet interface and then views the same report in the browser interface, the report creation date appears garbled ("Created on 11-/0-1/"). Clicking "Recalculate" corrects the display.


Sierra 5.4


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Web Management Reports cannot display user searches

Some libraries report that Web Management Reports is unable to display User Searches. This issue is triggered by malformed search queries in the search logs.


Sierra 5.3


Fixed in Sierra 6.3



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Paged Too Long report displays items for other locations

When staff view the Paged Too Long report, the report includes records from INN-Reach agencies outside the staff login's configured agency locations.

SIERRA-40288 Sierra 6.2 2024-10-15 Fixed in Sierra 6.3



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Scheduler email MSG00900 subject does not contain Task name

The Scheduler email sent for successful file loading, MSG00900, does not contain the Scheduler Task name in the email subject.


Sierra 6.0

2024-07-12 Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Scheduler adds "." to the end of MARC fields in bib record export

Scheduler adds a "." to the end of any MARC fields in the 1XX-8XX range with a bib record export, unless there is a dot already at the end of the MARC tag.


Sierra 5.6

2024-07-12 Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Scheduler sends "Success" email when FTP fails

When a Scheduler Output MARC Records task fails to connect via FTP and transfer the file, it sends an inaccurate "Success" message stating that the file "has been placed into [servername]," even though the file has not been transferred.

A related issue for Output Delimited Records was resolved in Sierra 5.5 as SIERRA-36354.


Sierra 5.2

2024-05-07 Fixed in Sierra 6.3



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution








Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Cannot change currency in Pay an Invoice

In Pay an Invoice, staff cannot pay invoices other than in the local currency.

Staff can pay invoices in other currences in the SDA.


Sierra 5.4


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Text enclosed in angle brackets (<>) becomes invisible in Sierra Web

Using Sierra Web, if a user types text within angle brackets into a record (e.g. "<foo>"), the text becomes invisible. The text still exists and can be viewed by highlighting it with the cursor or mouse.


Sierra 5.4


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Create Lists: Issues with opening item 21+ in Sierra Web

This issue affects opening an item record from a review file, if the item not one of the first 20 items attached to its bib.  In Sierra 5.2, the item does not open at all.  In Sierra 5.3, the "Bib Record" window opens, but in the Summary tab instead of the Record tab.  In Sierra 5.6, the first item attached to the bib displays instead.

The workaround is to open a different item in the review file and use "Next Record" or "Previous Record" in the File menu to open the afflicted item.


Sierra 5.2


Not reproducible in Sierra 6.3

Tabbing from Field to Value in Rapid Update mode in Sierra Web

In Sierra Web Rapid Update, staff must press Tab twice to move from the Field box to the Value box.


Sierra 5.1


Fixed in Sierra 6.3



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution








Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Filters for Audio or Sound recordings

Filter options for Audio or Sound recordings in keyword advanced search limits show empty in the SDA.


Sierra 5.6


Fixed in Sierra 6.3



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution








Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution






Also see Known Issues for Vega Products.



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Unable to access Udemy through WAM

When accessing Udemy through WAM, users see an error "Gale App Technical Difficulties."


Sierra 6.2


Fixed in Sierra 6.3



Description Key First Known Version Date Added Resolution

Bad Gateway error for some keyword searches

A small number of libraries report a Bad Gateway error when searching for certain keywords.


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Scoped search retrieves unscoped course reserve records

If a library has scoping for course reserve records enabled, but not all course records fall within scopes, unscoped course records appear unexpectedly in scoped searches.

(When scoping for course records is not enabled, all course records are unscoped and are expected to appear in scoped searches.)


Sierra 6.0


Fixed in Sierra 6.3

Patron without barcode sees Proxy Error after SAML authentication

When a patron without a barcode logs into WebPAC via SAML authentication, WebPAC displays a Proxy Error (502 HTTP response).

The patron is logged in and can access their account if they delete /patroninfo from the URL and then click a link to their record.


Sierra 5.5


Fixed in Sierra 6.3