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Vega Metadata Display Details

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Vega Discover


This solution article gives a summary of where data is sourced from for display in the Search Results, Full Resource Page, Author Page, Topic Page, and various showcases. 


Search Results

In search results each work will appear with a cover image if available.  Cover Images are chosen based on the ISBN of the newest edition of a work according to these rules.  Next to the cover image general information about the material will be listed as follows below. When a work is made up of multiple editions and/or formats of a material Vega chooses which edition's information displays for a work card based on which record rolls up into the work first.  

Work Title Details: The following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present title information. 

  • MARC: 245 $ab will display for the work as the title.
  • BIBFRAME: mainTitle + subtitle (if present) will display for the work edition. 

Primary Author Details (Non Visual Materials): The following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the primary author of a work

  • MARC: 1xx $ad if present.  If none is found, no author will display. 
  • BIBFRAME: An agent from the work edition is set as primaryAgent following the MARC rules above. 

Publication Date Details: The following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the publication date of a work

  • MARC: The 008 (07-10) from the work edition displays as the publication date
  • BIBFRAME: The with a type of publication from the work edition displays as the publication date. 

Language Details: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the language of a work

  • MARC: The language of the work edition is selected by looking in the following MARC fields in the given order.  If a value is found, it is used for display and no other fields are checked for language.
    • 008/35-37
    • 041 $a
    • 130 $l
    • 240 $l
    • If no language is found Vega will assume that the language of the work is the Default Language of the catalog set in the Vega Staff UI > Localization settings > Configuration > Default Language.
    • work.language.label
    • work.language.value
    • 130/240 $l language strings
    • If no language is found Vega will assume that the language of the work is the Default Language of the catalog set in the Vega Staff UI > Localization settings > Configuration > Default Language.

Series Title Details: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the series title of a work

  • MARC: 830 $a if present in the work edition, if none then 490 $a, if none then the 800$t
  • BIBFRAME: hasSeries.label if present in the work edition

Search Result: Screenshot


Full Resource Page

Card Area

See Search Results Display Fields Above

Fields that display in addition to the Search Results Display Fields on the Full Resource Page Card Area:

Summary Statement: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the series title of a work

  • MARC: 520 $a if present in the work edition.
  • BIBFRAME: summary:label if present in the work edition

Multimedia Links: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present any multimedia links to supplementary content for non-electronic materials

  • MARC: 856 $3, $z, $y text as a link to 856 $u, IF 856 first indicator = 4 and a second indicator = 2 
  • BIBFRAME: text = note rdfs:label link = supplementaryContent electronicLocator

Card Area: Screenshot


Edition information TABLE


Publication Date

  • MARC: 260 $c or 264 _2 $c if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  provisionActivity - Publication if present in the edition


  • MARC: 250 $ab if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  editionStatement if present in the edition


  • Image button that can be used to view more Edition Info Details


  • MARC: 260 $abc or 264 _2 $abc if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  provisionActivity - Publication (bflc:simplePlace: bflc:simpleAgent, bflc:simpleDate) if present in the edition

Physical Description

  • MARC: 300 $abc if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  extent , Note - rdfs:label, dimensions if present in the edition


  • Circulation Status of the Edition OVERALL. 
    • Available: at least one available copy (as defined in Item Status Settings for Vega)
    • Unavailable: no available copies (as defined in Item Status Settings for Vega)

Get It Button

  • Action button used to place a hold on a physical material

Edition Information TABLE for PHYSICAL WORKS: Screenshot



Publication Date

  • MARC: 260 $c or 264 _2 $c if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  provisionActivity - Publication if present in the edition


  • MARC: 250 $ab if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  editionStatement if present in the edition


  • Image button that can be used to view more Edition Info Details


  • MARC: 037 $b if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  vendor if present in the edition


  • MARC: 856 $3, $z, $y text as a link to 856 $u if present in the electronic edition
  • BIBFRAME:  text = note rdfs:label link = supplementaryContent electronicLocator if present in the electronic edition

Get It Button

  • Action button used to check out or place a hold on an electronic material

Edition Information TABLE for ELECTRONIC WORKS: Screenshot


Edition Info DETAILS

For each edition in the Edition informaton table an Image symbol displays to view more metadata and details about the edition.  The Edition Info popup will contain 2 sections of data;  Description and Resource Details.  Below is a detailed list of what fields can be displayed in these areas and which metadata fields they are populated from in the edition: 


Format: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the format of an edition

  • Material Type or Type of Material from ILS. 

Edition: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the edition statement of an edition

  • MARC: 250 $ab if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  editionStatement if present in the edition

Author: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the author of an edition

  • MARC: 1xx $ad if present.  If none is found, no author will display. 
  • BIBFRAME: primaryAgent if present in the edition.

Vendor (electronic materials only): the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the electronic record vendor of an edition

  • MARC: 037 $b if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  vendor if present in the edition

Publisher Information: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the publisher of an edition

  • MARC: 260 $abc or 264 _2 $abc if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  provisionActivity - Publication if present in the edition

Physical Description: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the physical description of an edition

  • MARC: 300 $abc if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  extent , Note - rdfs:label, dimensions if present in the edition

Note (electronic) (Note from 856 $3,z,y): the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the electronic note of an edition

  • MARC: 856 $3, $z, $y text as a link to 856 $u if present in the electronic edition
  • BIBFRAME:  text = note rdfs:label link = supplementaryContent electronicLocator if present in the electronic edition

Description: Example Screenshots



Resource Details

Abbreviated Title: 

  • MARC: 210 $a if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  AbbreviatedTitle mainTitle if present in the edition

Former Title: 

  • MARC: 247 $abnp if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  VariantTitle mainTitle + subtitle if present in the edition

Frequency: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the frequency of publication for a serial edition

  • MARC: 310 $a if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  frequency rdfs:label if present in the edition

Genre: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the genre of an edition

  • MARC: 245 $h if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  medium if present in the edition

Language: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the language of an edition

  • MARC: The language of the edition is selected by looking in the following MARC fields in the given order.  If a value is found, it is used for display and no other fields are checked for language.
    • 008/35-37
    • 041 $a
    • 130 $l
    • 240 $l
    • If no language is found Vega will assume that the language of the work is the Default Language of the catalog set in the Vega Staff UI > Localization settings > Configuration > Default Language.
    • instance.language.label
    • instance.language.value
    • 130/240 $l language strings
    • If no language is found Vega will assume that the language of the work is the Default Language of the catalog set in the Vega Staff UI > Localization settings > Configuration > Default Language.

Indended Audience: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the intended audience of an edition

  • MARC: 521 $a if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME:  intendedAudience if present in the edition

Credits Note: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the credits note of an edition

  • MARC: 508 $a if present in the edition
  • BIBFRAME: credits if present in the edition

Series: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the series of an edition

  • MARC: 830 $a if present in the edition, if none then 490 $a, if none then the 800$t
  • BIBFRAME: hasSeries.label if present in the edition

ISBN: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the ISBN(s) of an edition

  • MARC: 020 $a if present in the work edition
  • BIBFRAME:  Isbn - rdf:value if present in the work edition


  • MARC: 022 $a if present in the work edition
  • BIBFRAME:  Issn - rdf:value if present in the work edition

UPC: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the UPC(s) of an edition

  • MARC: 024 1_ $a if present in the work edition
  • BIBFRAME: identifiedBy - Upc rdf:value if present in the work edition

Table of Contents :the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the Table of Contents notes of an edition

  • MARC: 505 $a if present in the work edition
  • BIBFRAME:  tableOfContents rdfs:label if present in the work edition

Bib Id: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to present the recordID of an edition

  • MARC: 001 bibliographic recordId if present in the work edition
  • BIBFRAME:  recordId if present in the work edition

Resource Details: Example Screenshots








Item Info: TABLE

Opening an edition table row will display details of all items attached to the edition.  The table lists the following item details


  • Item Level Location


  • Image Item Info Popup button used to open a popup with Item Details

Call Number

  • Item Call Number and Volume Information


  • Item Status

Due Date

  • Current Due Date if Circulating


  • OPAC MESSAGE for Sierra Materials if present

Item Info TABLE: Screenshot


Item Info: DETAILS Pop-up

Clicking the Image button in the Item view of the Editions Table will open a popup displaying the following item level details

Title of Work

  • MARC: 245 $ab will display for the work as the title.
  • BIBFRAME: mainTitle + subtitle (if present) will display for the work edition. 

Location and Call Number Information

  • Item Level Location
  • Item Call Number and Volume Information

Item ID

  • Persistent identifier from ILS for the given Item.


  • Barcode from the scannable barcode sticker on the item.

Item Info DETAILS: Screenshot


Author/Agent Page

Author/Agent Pages exist for all agents linked to a work.  These pages lists Showcases from Linked Data related to that agent in Related Resources, Topics, and Contributors showcases. 

Author/Agent: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to create Author/Agent pages to represent persons and their related materials in Vega Discover

  • MARC: 1xx, 7xx, 8xx $a
  • BIBFRAME: bf:agent if present in an edition.

Author Image and Author Bio: The author image and bio are supplied from Syndetics Unbound if available for the given author.

Author/Agent Page: Screenshot


Topic/Concept/Subject Page

Topic Pages exist for all agents linked to a work.  These pages lists Showcases from Linked Data related to that topic in (Related) Resources, Topics, and Contributors showcases. 

Topic/Concept/Subject: the following MARC or BibFrame fields are used to create Topic/Concept/Subject pages to represent concepts and their related materials in Vega Discover

  • MARC: 6xx $a
  • BIBFRAME: bf:subject if present in an edition.

Topic/Concept/Subject Page: Screenshot


Showcases from Linked Data

Showcases Created from Linked Data are generated based on works containing a matching value for Author/Agent and/or Topic/Concept/Subject.  Linked Data showcases appear on Full Resource Pages for Works, Author/Agent Pages, and Topics/Contributor/Subject Pages. 

Related Resources

This showcase is labeled "Resources" when viewed on Agent and Topic pages.  Lists materials that are linked to the currently viewed work, agent or topic by both agent and/or subject relationships.

  • BIBFRAME: bf:subject if present in an edition; bf:agent if present in an edition.

Related Resources: Screenshot



The showcase is labeled "Related People" on Agent pages. Lists agents with associated agent roles that are linked to the currently viewed work, agent, or topic by agent relationships.

  • MARC: 1xx, 7xx, 8xx $ade
  • BIBFRAME: bf:agent rdfs:label; bf:role rdfs:label if present in an edition.

Contributors: Screenshot



The showcase is labeled "Related Topics" on Topics pages. Lists materials grouped by topic that are linked to the currently viewed work, agent, or topic by subject relationships. 

  • MARC: 6xx $a
  • BIBFRAME: bf:subject if present in an edition.

Topics: Screenshot


Showcases from NYT

NYT Showcases are generated using the NYT Bestsellers APIs.  The NYT API sends Vega a list of ISBNs that are required to match in the ILS work records in order for materials to be included in the specific NYT showcase.  Materials with matching ISBNs must exist in the ILS in order to appear in the list. 

  • MARC: 020 $a if present in the work edition
  • BIBFRAME:  Isbn - rdf:value if present in the work edition

Showcases from NYT: Screenshot


Showcases from Syndetics Unbound

Syndetics Unbound algorithms use the Vega selected representative work ISBN to generate various widget content populated by materials in your Vega Catalog (except for the series widget which always displays the full published series whether or not your library owns all works in the series). 

  • MARC: 020 $a if present in the work edition
  • BIBFRAME:  Isbn - rdf:value if present in the work edition

Showcases from Syndetics Unbound: Screenshot
