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MARC to BIBFRAME Conversion Guide

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Guide regarding MARC to BIBFRAME conversion in relation to Vega Discover. This document is intended to be a high-level overview of MARC to BIBFRAME concepts with additional documentation to follow.


Where can I find a list of MARC fields used by Vega Discover and their conversion into BIBFRAME?


Starting Resources:

MARC Bibliographic Standards

BIBFRAME Conversion Specifications

BIBFRAME Class: Work

BIBFRAME conceptsMARCNotes

Populated by the LDR(06) value, but possible to override based on one of the following 007 values:

  • Globe: 007(00)
  • Maps: 007(00)
  • Motion Picture: 007(00)
  • Nonprojected Graphic: 007(00)
  • Projected Graphic: 007(00)
  • Sound Recording: 007(00)

For example, a LDR(06) = a creates a work.type = text. If the same record contains an 007(00) = a (Map), that will change the work.type = Cartography. See BF conversion specs for full details.

Distinguishes between a defined list of work types (text, audio, moving image, etc.).

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Motion Picture: 007(04)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • 050
  • 055
  • 060
  • 070
  • 082
Classifications are assigned a type value (e.g. classificationLcc), to distinguish between the different classification schemas. See conversion specs for more details.

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Electronic Resource: 007(03)
  • Globe: 007(03)
  • Maps: 007(03)
  • Microform: 007(09)
  • Motion Picture: 007(03)
  • Nonprojected Graphic: 007(03)
  • Projected Graphic: 007(03)
  • Videorecording: 007(03)

creditsNotePopulated by the 508 $a
dissertationPopulated by the 502 $abcdgo

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Visual Materials: 008(18-20)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Books: 008(24-30)
  • Books: 008(33-34)
  • Continuing Resources: 008(24-29)
  • Globe: 007(01)
  • Maps: 007(01)
  • Maps: 008(28)
  • Maps: 008(33-34)
  • Motion Picture: 007(09)
  • Music: 008(18-19)
  • Music: 008(30-31)
  • Nonprojected Graphic: 007(01)
  • Visual Materials: 008(28)
  • Visual Materials: 008(33)
  • 130
  • 240
  • 655


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Books: 008(22)
  • Computer files: 008(22)
  • Music: 008(22)
  • Visual Materials: 008(22)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • 008(35-37)
  • 041
  • 546 $a

The system supports storage of all language values that exist in the incoming MARC record.

The language codes pulled from 041 will have a part assigned, because each MARC subfield represents a different type of translation (e.g. summary, spoken text, table of contents, subtitles).

legalDatePopulated by uniform titles (130, 240)
marcLeaderKeyPopulated by the LDR(06)Non-standard BF field used to track the original MARC LDR(06) value to distinguish between musical and non-musical sound recordings.
musicFormatPopulated by Music: 008(20)
musicKeyPopulated by uniform titles (130, 240)
musicMediumPopulated by uniform titles (130, 240)
natureOfContentsPopulated by uniform titles (130, 240)

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Continuing Resources: 008(33)
  • 546 $b


originDatePopulated by uniform titles (130, 240)

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Music: 008(24-29)

summarySummary label is a concatenation of 520 $ab with a space between subfields. The summary source is populated by the 520 $c and $u.Summary information about the resource. For example, the book jacket description on a book.

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • 130
  • 240
  • 243
  • 245
Titles are assigned a type based on the MARC tag (e.g. 243= collective title). Title fields (e.g. mainTitle, subTitle, part) are populated according ot the BF specifications.
tableOfContentsConcatenation of the 505 $agrt with a space between subfields
versionPopulated by uniform titles (130, 240)

BIBFRAME Class: Instance

BIBFRAME conceptsMARCNotes

The instance type can be populated by the following MARC tags:

  • LDR (06-08)
  • Electronic Resource: 007(00)
  • BOOKS 008(23) = s or q

There can only be one instance type, so in the event of multiple there is business logic to determine which is the "winner." See the BF conversion specifications for the tags above for more information.

Distinguishes between a defined list of instance types (print, electronic, manuscript, etc.).

ONE Example - An instance would be classified as type = electronic if one of the following conditions is true:

  • LDR (06) = m, indicating a computer file
  • 007 (00) = c, indicating a computer file or electronic resource

Other conditions can also impact type. 

awardsPopulated by 586 $a

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Globe: 007(04)
  • Maps: 007(04)
  • Microform: 007(12)
  • Motion Picture: 007(12)
  • Nonprojected Graphic: 007(04)
  • Projected Graphic: 007(04)
  • Sound Recording: 007(10)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Books: 008(23)
  • Computer files: 008(23)
  • Continuing Resources: 008(23)
  • Electronic Resource: 007(01)
  • Maps: 008(29)
  • Microform: 007(01)
  • Mixed Materials: 008(23)
  • Motion Picture: 007(01)
  • Music: 008(23)
  • Projected Graphic: 007(01)
  • Sound Recording: 007(01)
  • Visual Materials: 008(29)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Maps: 008(18-21)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • 086
Classifications are assigned a type value (e.g. classificationLcc), to distinguish between the different classification schemas. See conversion specs for more details.
copyrightDatePopulated by $264 when second indicator = 4

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Electronic Resource: 007(06-08)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Electronic Resource: 007(04)
  • Projected Graphic: 007(07)
  • Microform: 007(04)
  • Motion Picture: 007(07)
  • Sound Recording: 007(06-07)
  • Videorecording: 007(07)
  • 300 $c

durationPopulated by the 306 $a
editionStatementPopulated by the 250 $abProvides edition information about the instance (e.g. Illustrated edition or 2nd edition)
electronicLocatorPopulated by MARC 856 when second indicator is 0, 1 or 8. 856 $uyz are stored.

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Microform: 007(10)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • 300 $afg


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Books: 008(23)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Continuing Resources: 008(18-19)
  • 310 $ab
  • 321 $ab


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Globe: 007(05)
  • Maps: 007(05)
  • Microform: 007(11)
  • Motion Picture: 007(11)
  • Sound Recording: 007(09)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Computer files: 008(26)
  • Computer files: 008(28)
  • Maps: 008(25)
  • Continuing Resources: 008(21)


Populated by the 490 $avx and 830 $anpvx

A series statement is created from the 490 $av. The series enumeration, identifier, uniform title and other values are populated according to the BF conversion specification.

Series information from the 490 and 830 MARC tags is stored in a `hasSeries` object on the Instance. The hasSeries object is only created if there is a 490$a in the record (no series info is stored if there is only an 830).

If there is only a 490 tag (no 830 tag) in the ingested MARC record, the hasSeries object contains:

  • label (490$a)
  • seriesEnumeration (490$v)
  • seriesStatement (490$a+$v)
  • identifiedBy.value (490$x) (type=issn)

If a corresponding 830 is present (paired to the 490 by order in file), the hasSeries object contains:

  • label (490$a)
  • seriesEnumeration (830$v, if present, else 490$v)
  • seriesStatement (490$a+$v)
  • identifiedBy.value (830$x, if present, else 490$x) (type=issn)
  • instanceOf.title
    • type = title
    • mainTitle (830$a)
    • partName (830$p)
    • partNumber (830$n)
    • label (830$adfgklmnoprs, concatenated with spaces)
    • marcKey (entire 830 tag contents)

Assigned a "type" value to help distinguish between identifiers. Populated by the following MARC tags:

  • 010, type = LCCN
  • 015
  • 017
  • 020, type = ISBN
  • 024
  • 025
  • 026
  • 027
  • 028
  • 030
  • 032
  • 035
  • 074
  • 260 $d, type = publisher number
Assigns a type to each identifier so they are distinguishable (e.g. 020 = type isbn). See conversion specs for more details.

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Books: 008(18-21)

intendedAudiencePopulated by the 521 tag. The intendedAudience.label is populated by the $a. The intendedAudience.source is populated by the $b. And the intendedAudience.note is populated based on the first indicator value, which indicates reading grade level, interest age level or interest grade level.

Populated by the following MARC tags:

  • LDR (07)
  • Maps: 008(25)

materialTypePopulated by 998 $dILS assigned material type

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Electronic Resource: 007(00)
  • Microform: 007(00)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Nonprojected Graphic: 007(05)
  • Projected Graphic: 007(08)


Assigned a "type" value to help distinguish between notes. Populated by the following MARC tags:

  • Continuing Resources: 008(22), type = form of original item
  • Motion Picture: 007(16-22)
  • Visual Materials: 008(34), type = technique
  • 254 $a, type = musical presentation
  • 256 $a, type = computer file characteristics
  • 300 $b, type = physical details
  • 300 $e, type = accompanying materials
  • 500 $a, type = note (general)
  • 501 $a, type = with
The system supports storage of all note tags listed. Repeatable tags will result in multiple notes (e.g. one note for each XXX tag).

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Maps: 007(07)
  • Microform: 007(03)
  • Motion Picture: 007(10)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Maps: 007(06)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Maps: 008(22-23)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Motion Picture: 007(04)


Populated by both the 008 publication date, as well as the 257, 260, 261, 262, 264 tags.

The 008(06) indicates the type of date provided and dicates the provisionActivity.type value. For example, an 008(06) = s creates a type = publication. An 008(06) = p creates a type = distribution. The 008(07-10) and 008(11-14) are used to populate the value. And the 008 (15-17) is used to populate the See the BF conversion specs for the full details.

The 257 $a populates a value.

The 260 $abc will populate a type = publication, with a, provisionActivity.agent and respectively. The 260 $efg will populate a type = manufacture with a, provisionActivity.agent and respectively.

The 261 $abdf will populate a type = publication, with a provisionActivity.agent (ab), (d) and (f). The 261 $e will populate a type = manufacture with a provisionActivity.agent.

The 262 $abc will populate a type = publication, with a provisionActivity.agent (b), (c) and (a).

The 264 $abc will populate a (a), provisionActivity.agent (b) and (c). The type of provisionActivity is dictated by the second indicator in the MARC tag (see BF specs).

Provides publication, manufacture and distribution details.

The system supports storage of all provision activity data included in the record. When it comes to publication date information displayed in Vega Discovery, priority is given to dates populated by the 008 fixed fields.


Concatenation of the following MARC tags and subfields, separated by a space:

  • 260 $abc
  • 261 $fabd
  • 262 $abc
  • 264 $abc

Semicolons may be added between subfields if no punctuation exists in the MARC data.

Provides publication details.
recordIDPopulated by 907 $aILS bibliographic record ID

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Microform: 007(06-08)

responsibilityStatementPopulated by 245 $c

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Motion Picture: 007(06)
  • Motion Picture: 007(08)
  • Projected Graphic: 007(06)
  • Sound Recording: 007(03-05)
  • Sound Recording: 007(08)
  • Sound Recording: 007(11-12)
  • Videorecording: 007(06)
  • Videorecording: 007(08)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Electronic Resource: 007(05)
  • Motion Picture: 007(05)
  • Projected Graphic: 007(05)
  • Videorecording: 007(05)


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Books: 008(31)
  • Maps: 008(31)
  • 856 $uyz when second indicator = 2

tableOfContentsConcatenation of the 505 $agrt with a space between subfields

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • 210
  • 222
  • 242
  • 245
  • 246
  • 247
Titles are assigned a type based on the MARC tag (e.g. 222= key title). Title fields (e.g. mainTitle, subTitle, part) are populated according ot the BF specifications.

Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Concatenation of the 506 $abcdef, with a space between subfields. Also populated by the 506 $u.
  • 540 $a or $u. 540 $c used to populate the source.


Populated from the following MARC tags:

  • Videorecording: 007(04)

BIBFRAME Class: Item

BIBFRAME conceptsMARCNotes
recordID852 $dILS item record ID
dueDate852 $wILS item due date (when applicable)

852 $mn = shelfMark (call number)

852 $g = barcode

ILS item call number and barcode

enumerationAndChronology852 $hILS item volume information
physicalLocation852 $cILS location code
status852 $eILS circulation status

BIBFRAME Concept: Agents

BIBFRAME conceptsMARCNotes

Determined by the MARC tag and first indicator

  • Person = 100, 600, 700
  • Organization = 110, 610, 710
  • Meeting = 111, 611, 711
  • Family Name = 100, 600, 700 (when first indicator = 3)
  • Jurisdiction = 110, 610, 710 (when first indicator = 1

identifiedByPopulated by the presence of a $0 or $1 in the agent heading tag (only the tags listed above are considered).Identifier for the concept string. Assigned a type to indicate the type of identifier stored. For example, type = lccn, value = n88607390

Concatenation of the following subfields, separated by a space as outlined in the BF conversion specifications.

  • X00 $abcdjq

  • X10 $abcdng

  • X11 $acdengq


The relationship of an agent to a work is defined using the role information in the following subfields:
  • X00 $4 or $e

  • X10 $4 or $e

  • X11 $4 or $j

The authority heading string that displays to the patrons in Vega.

For relationships, priority is currently given to the $4 (relator code), so the UI can better support translation of the relationships string.

505 tags also checked for matches to existing agents. 

sourceDetermined by the $2 in the MARC heading tag. In the case of a 6XX agent, the second indicator is also considered (same as concepts). The source of the authority heading string.

BIBFRAME Concept: Concepts

BIBFRAME conceptsMARCNotes

Determined by the MARC tag and first indicator

  • Topic = 650, 656
  • Temporal = 648
  • Place = 651, 662
  • Title = 630

653 subject tags are assigned a type based on the second indicator. See BF conversion specs.

Describes the type of concept being referenced.
identifiedByPopulated by the presence of a $0 or $1 in the subject heading tag (only the tags listed above are considered).Identifier for the concept string. Assigned a type to indicate the type of identifier stored. For example, type = lccn, value = sh85021262

Concatenation of the following subfields, separated by a space or "–" as outlined in the BF conversion specifications.

  • 648 $avxyz
  • 650 $abcdvxyz
  • 651 $abvxyz
  • 653 $a
  • 656 $akvxyz
  • 662 $abcdfgh
  • 630 $adnpvxyz
The authority heading string that displays to the patrons in Vega.
sourceDetermined by the second indicator in the MARC subject tag or the $2. Per MARC standard, the $2 is checked when the second indicator says to do so.The source of the authority heading string.