Release Notes
NOTE: Sign up for Vega release notes and announcements in your email inbox here
TIP: Submit and vote on Vega enhancements through Idea Exchange
Table of Contents
- NOTE: Sign up for Vega release notes and announcements in your email inbox here
- TIP: Submit and vote on Vega enhancements through Idea Exchange
- 2023-12-19
- 2023-12-07
- 2023-11-29
- 2023-11-8
- 2023-10-23
- 2023-10-12 Addendum
- 2023-10-12
- 2023-10-04
- 2023-09-27
- 2023-09-13
- 2023-08-30 Addendum
- 2023-08-30
- 2023-08-16
- 2023-08-02
- 2023-07-26
- 2023-07-19
- 2023-07-06
- 2023-06-21
- 2023-06-07
- 2023-05-24
- 2023-05-11
- 2023-04-26
- 2023-03-29
- 2023-03-15
- 2023-03-01
- 2023-02-15
- 2023-02-01
- 2023-01-18
- Click here for 2022 Vega Discover Release Notes
Games Do Not Rollup
A new work type was added for multimedia materials that have been cataloged as games. Materials that meet the following fixed field criteria will now be considered as 'multimedia' in Vega Discover. Multimedia instances are unable to rollup with other instances.
Criteria for Multimedia workType for Bibliographic Instance Records
- bibliographic instance record contains 006/00 'm' and 006/09 'b', 'g', or 'i';
- or, bibliographic instance record contains no 006/00 'm', but contains LDR/06 'm' and 008/26 'b', 'g', or 'i'
Cataloging Notes:
- If 006/00 'm' exists, 008 is ignored.
- If a bib has the Video Game format due to its ILS-assigned material type, but does not contain 006/00 'm' and 006/09 'b', 'g', or 'i' or LDR/06 'm' and 008/26 'b', 'g', or 'i', it will not be assigned work.type=multimedia and will continue to roll up with bibs of work.type=text as before. We suggest libraries run any required batch metadata updates needed in order to normalize bibliographic records for game materials.
Admin Users Recognized In Patron Interface of Vega Discover
Your Vega Admin User will now display your User Name in the Patron Information pop-up in Vega Discover if you have logged into the admin and without logging out, navigate to the Patron Interface of Vega Discover. Admin Users have also been granted the ability to create Bookmark Lists. More features will be added to the Admin User functions (such as Saved Searches and Showcases) as we continue work to create and apply various Administrative Roles and Permissions for Vega Discover.
Announcement Preview
Limited to Discover+, Discover Premium, and Consortia libraries
After saving an announcement, use the Preview button to see how it will look with your published home page.
If when attempting to preview your Announcement, you are unable to either:
- Preview the Announcement without saving it first.
- When previewing the Announcement, you are taken to the last selected language, not the one you are attempting to view.
This indicates that you may need to remove the stored language. Please follow the Vega Discover: Removing Stored Language Key from Browser instructions.
Grid View Items Overlap
A bug has been fixed where covers on some mobile devices would overlap.
Author Biography
A bug has been fixed where the author biography displayed on the preview and published page after it was deleted using the home page builder.
Announcement Character Limit
A bug has been fixed where the 250 character limit for an announcement wasn't being applied.
Bulk Renew
Bulk Renewal options have been added to the Patron Checkouts tab of Vega Discover. Patrons can choose from 3 options to make a bulk renewal of their currently checked out materials. "Renew overdue" will attempt to renew all items that have become overdue. "Renew due soon" will attempt to renew all items that will become due within the days threshold selected by the patron. "Renew overdue and due soon" will attempt to renew all overdue items & items that will become due within the days threshold selected by the patron. The date threshold accepts whole number values 1-14 days.
Please note that Vega processes items selected for bulk renewals one by one and will display a progress popup while performing the renewals. Once the renewal process is complete, a summary of the renewed and not renewed items details will be displayed with details of why any failures occurred. See examples below.
Announcements Menu
Note: Announcements requires post deployment work and will not appear until that process has been completed by Innovative. We will send a follow-up announcement when the process is completed across all regions.
Discover+, Premium, and Consortia libraries can add 1 announcement message.
These libraries will see a new Announcements sub-menu found under Page Customization. As part of this change, we've removed creating an announcement from the Header and Footer page.
If you have a live announcement, you will need to recreate it in the new Announcement menu.
Announcement Translations
The Announcement page mirrors the languages configured on your Header and Footer page. You can add a new language form the Announcement page, please note that after saving you will be taken to the Header and Footer page. Click on the Announcements sub-menu to configure the announcement for the new language.
To add an announcement:
- Click the blue Configure button for a Page Language
- Create the announcement
- Repeat as needed for any other languages you have configured
Fix for Sierra Home Location Holds
Previously we released a feature to support the Sierra Home Location setting for placing holds. There was a problem with holds placed when this setting was enabled. This problem has been fixed and Sierra's 'home' setting for holds that restricts the pickup location for holds to the patron home location should now be fully supported in Vega Discover.
Fix for Left Click of eContent Links
When econtent displayed Check Availability due to multiple links being available to retrieve materials the displayed links would only work if center clicked or right clicked and choosing open in a new tab. The multiple link display now supports left click for following the displayed link as expected.
Facets are Not Centered on Screens Larger than 767 Pixels
A fix was made to the facets so they are centered on larger screens.
Home Page URLs
URL handling has been improved to make it clearer where links are optional vs required, as well as accepting different URL styles.
- https://, for example,
- http://, for example,
- 3. Does not start with http:// or https://, for example,
Missing Generated Covers on the Home Page
A fix was made to generate missing covers for home page components.
Recently Returned Status Customization
The Recently Returned Status configuration allows libraries to set a custom status that will display when an item becomes Available. When Vega Discover receives an update from the ILS as materials are checked in to the library and become available, Vega will apply the configured temporary timed status (1-99 hours) to this item so that patrons can be alerted that while the item is now available, it might still be in transit to the shelf. The Recently Returned Status can also be inherited from the Main Site or optionally configured individually at the Collection Site/Kiosk level if different libraries desire varying statuses or workflows dictate that shelving may take more or less time at each library site.
Recently Returned Statuses can be configured in the Cog Menu > Library Defaults > Display Settings or for Sites, in the Site Administration Settings > Display Settings
Support for Additional Currencies for Display and PayPal Fine Payments
The Localization settings > Configuration page in the Vega Admin has been enhanced so that the Override currency display now contains all PayPal supported currencies. Select the currency of your locale and choose whether the currency symbol should display before or after the fine amount in the Patron Fines and Fees view.
In Vega Discover Fines & Fees tab for patrons, the selected currency will display as configured with the fine amounts they owe.
If you are using a PayPal integration for Fine Payment in Vega Discover the currency you selected will be passed to PayPal when the patron clicks the fine payment button and will appear in the payment form.
Polaris Item Statuses Display Customized Status
Note: This feature will take 24 hours to apply to statuses.
The Item Status displayed for Polaris Libraries now uses the custom Description field from the Item Status configuration instead of the Name field.
Staff Admin Settings Renamed
Changes have been made to the Settings page for clarity.
- Docking Framework has been renamed Page Customizations
- Global Header, previously found under Docking Framework, has been renamed Header and Footer.
Header and Footer (formerly known as Global Header) Translations
A fix was made to the Header and Footer Configuration so that configured Language pages no longer have display issues. When you configure a display language in Vega Discover, the corresponding Page Language will appear in the Header and Footer Configuration allowing you to customize the Header and Footer for that enabled Language.
Announcement are Not Saving
A fix was made to permission levels so all admins can save an announcement.
Traces of the Announcement Remain After Deletion
A fix was made so the urgent or notice background color doesn't show after an announcement has been deleted.
Home Page Content Disappears
A fix was made so showcases with no content, or that have been deleted, do not prevent all the home page content from appearing.
Facet Padlock is Cut Off
A fix was made so the padlock icon is not cut off when facets are selected.
Change to how we display checked out and on hold status materials
In order to support multiple holds on the same work we have made a change to how we display materials to patrons that they have on hold or checked out. Previously this circulation status was displayed by changing the Place Hold button to read 'On Hold' or 'Checked Out. When clicking the button the patron would be taken to their Holds or Checkouts. Now when a patron has an item checked out or on hold they will see a green banner at the top of work display in the search results and full resource page. The banner will display text indicating how the patron is currently using the title and that text will link the patron to their Holds or Checkouts if clicked. The Place Hold button will remain useable as a result. If the material has volumes the patron will be able to place another hold on a different volume. If the material allows multiple transactions such as a checkout and a pending hold or multiple holds, the patron will be able to place a hold. If the material does not allow these transactions an error will display as a result of clicking the Place Hold button.
Default Grid View Icon
As a reminder, you can use the Material Type Settings to change the icon displayed in the grid view. Please see the full list of icons available, you can choose from the complete list when making changes.
(Default) is displayed in the Material Icon column if Vega is determining the icon to display. If you change the icon and then decide you want to return to the default icon, (Default) is available at the top of the icon drop down list. Your clue that an icon has been selected is the icon will be in the Material Icon column.
Grid View Icon Status for eContent Availability
The availability of eContent icons has been improved to better shows an accurate status.
- The status for online vendor eContent items (including eBook and eMagazine) displays as "Check Availability".
- After the FRC has been opened, the status is cached for the grid view icon. Please note that the search result page needs to reload to update.
- ILS (At Library) eBooks, eMagazine, and other eContent status is "Available" until the cache expires.
If an item has been cached recently, you will see the status of "Available" or "Unavailable".
If an item has not been cached recently, you will see the icon status of "Check Availability".
880s General Release
Note: This requires post deployment work and will not appear until that process has been completed by Innovative. We will send a follow-up announcement when the process is completed across all regions.
We have completed all outstanding updates to our 880s support for the display of alternate titles, series, and authors. This release we have fixed the last issue that was affecting authors and now have full coverage for existing 880 author data for display. We will be applying the features for alternate expressions to all customers and running the required post deployment indexing to apply this update. If your records contain 880 references for alternate display for titles, authors or series these expressions will display in addition to the expected data fields they provide alternate metadata for after indexing is complete. If your catalog does not contain records with 880 content for these fields you will see no changes in your data display.
Support for Sierra Home Setting for Holds
In order to support Sierra Libraries that use the Home setting for Holds to restrict the pickup location for holds to the patron home location we have added a setting to the Vega Staff Administration Settings under the Cog Menu > Library Defaults > Patron Settings > Hold Setting. The default setting is Ask and will continue to allow patrons to select any available Pickup Location for their Hold. If your library uses the 'home' setting in Sierra you can change this setting to 'Home' and the following changes will be made for your patrons:
- When placing a hold the patron will only see their home location in the Pickup Location selector.
- In the Patron Profile the Preferred Pickup Location selector will not be present.
- In the Patron Profile the Patron will not be able to modify their Home Location.
Grid View Icons
Note: This requires post deployment work and will not appear until that process has been completed by Innovative. We will send a follow-up announcement when the process is completed across all regions.
Material Type Settings has a new column for the Material Icon. Admins can set a material type to the grid view icon of their choosing.
- A blank space indicates the default icon is being used.
- When an icon is selected, it will show in the Material Icon column.
Announcements V1 for Discover+, Premium, and Consortia Libraries
Note: This requires post deployment work and will not appear until that process has been completed by Innovative. We will send a follow-up announcement when the process is completed across all regions.
Discover+, Premium, and Consortia libraries can add 1 announcement message to the global header.
- From the Settings menu, select Docking framework > Global Header.
- Choose between Notice (yellow background) or Urgent (red background).
- Choose a status of Draft or Publish.
- Add optional hyperlinks.
Please contact your account rep if you aren't sure which Discover package you have.
OAI-PMH Beta Open
If your library has a digital repository and you're interested in beta testing OAI Harvesting you can reach out to Samantha Cunning to have OAI harvesting enabled. I will need your OAI Base URL and a link to a single object in your repository that has a thumbnail image. Currently the OAI harvesting feature supports:
- Harvesting at the Vega Main Site and/or Collection Site Levels, and sharing content down to collection sites from a main consortia site.
- Harvesting multiple OAI sources.
- Harvesting all OR specific collections (sets) from the source repository.
- Building thumbnail links to content via metadata references
- Insert a dc field value into a URL.
- dc field contains URL to thumbnail.
- Use a single image URL for all harvested content.
What we're still working on:
- Facet filtering by OAI collection (set)
- Thumbnail builders for repositories that cannot use metadata references to link to thumbnail images like ContentDM.
Fix to support 'fancy quotes' for phrase searches
Some phrase searches were failing to limit to the input phrase on mobile devices due to the type of quotations used by default on the device platform. Vega now supports all types of quotation marks as indicating a phrase search should be run.
Polaris Item Volume Information Fix
Previously we were receiving duplicate information in separate updates from the Polaris APIs when the volume information of an item was updated in Polaris. We have fixed how we process item volume updates to address this on the Vega side to prevent duplicate volumes information from displaying.
OPAC Message Dashes in Display
When the Sierra OPACMSG was 'empty' but contained one or more dashes in it's empty state, Vega was displaying these dashes in the Availability message directing patrons to the call number and location information for these items. This data was also displaying in the Message field of the Editions table. Dashes should no longer appear if that is the only data present in the OPACMSG field.
2023-10-12 Addendum
Announcements V1 for Discover+, Premium, and Consortia Libraries
Announcements has been delayed, we anticipate it will be ready for the next regularly secheduled release. Thank you for your patience.
Discover+, Premium, and Consortia libraries can add 1 announcement message to the global header.
- From the Settings menu, select Docking framework > Global Header.
- Choose between Notice (yellow background) or Urgent (red background).
- Choose a status of Draft or Publish.
Add optional hyperlinks.
Series Search Index and Linked Series Updates
Note: This fix requires post deployment indexing and will not appear until that process has been completed by Innovative.
A new Series Index has been added to the available search indexes. As a result of this change Series metadata is no long included in the Title Index but can still be found with all other data in the default ALL Search index.
Series Display logic has been updated to prefer series data selection for display in the following order: 830 Series Added Entry - Uniform Title, 490 Series Statement, 800 $t Series Added Entry - Title of a Work. Series for a title rollup has also been enhanced to include volume information if available.
The search action performed when displayed Series Title information for a title rollup is clicked has been updated to perform a phrase search within the new Series Index to improve relevance of retrieved titles.
Search Edition, Location Drawer and Volumes for Particular Volume
Note: This fix requires post deployment work and will not appear until that process has been completed by Innovative.
- Editions table: Enter a contents search term to expand the details of any editions that match. Deleting the search term will expand all editions in the edition table.
- Location drawer: Keeps your search term when moving between locations in the drop down.
This can be useful for searching:
- A title that has multiple call numbers, you could search for Classics.
- Titles with multiple volumes, you could search for 15.
- Serials, you could search for Oct 2023.
Announcements V1 for Discover+, Premium, and Consortia Libraries
Note: This fix requires post deployment work and will not appear until that process has been completed by Innovative.
Discover+, Premium, and Consortia libraries can add 1 announcement message to the global header.
- From the Settings menu, select Docking framework > Global Header.
- Choose between Notice (yellow background) or Urgent (red background).
- Choose a status of Draft or Publish.
Add optional hyperlinks.
Sierra Item Suppression Update
Note: This fix requires post deployment indexing and will not appear until that process has been completed by Innovative.
Item suppression for Sierra items using icode values will be correctly suppressed in Vega Discover. This update requires Sierra 5.5+
Long Titles Display on Home Page
Long titles are truncated with an ellipsis, and when hovering, the full title appears on the home page.
Empty Showcases Warning
A warning message is shown when an empty showcase has been selected as a home page component. You will need to remove the empty showcase or add content for the preview and published home page to display.
Refine Results Display Fix
When using the Refine Results filters, the number that shows the number of results was cut off and looked incorrect. The spacing has been fixed and will display up to 9,999,999 results.
Library Info and Help button components available for custom headers
Two new Custom Header components are now available for Consortia and Premium Discover customers that use custom headers.
- Help Button: <vega-help-button></vega-help-button>
- inserts the Vega default documentation ? button and link
- Library Info Button: <vega-library-info-button></vega-library-info-button>
- inserts the Vega default library information button displaying configured library hours pop-up information and links
Hero Image
A fix has been released and the entire hero image displays as expected.
Grid View
A fix has been released where the grid view was not displaying for certain format types.
All Facet View
Minor indentation fix for all view of facets popup.
Character Counter for Home Page Events
When you paste a title or description, you'll see the available character count. This will help you edit your text to fit the available space.
Right Arrow Missing from Cover Carousels and Pills
The right scroll arrow is visible again without using the scrollbar at the bottom of the page.
Home Page Success Message
The 'x' button to close the success message previously took users to a different page than the 'View Homepage' link. The 'x' button and the 'View Homepage' link both route users back to the Configure Homepage. From there you can open the popup to view your published home page or edit.
Responsive Improvements
A problem was fixed so the title and author/contributor fields don't overlap.
Expected OverDrive Advantage Titles Missing
A problem was fixed where advantage titles from the configured OverDrive configuration were not all being ingested by the Vega APIs.
Vega Generated Covers Work Complete
Vega Generated Covers now appear for showcase widget content where materials with no Syndetics or Custom cover display a cover image. This completes coverage for Vega supplied cover images throughout Vega Discover search results, full resource pages, bookshelf, and generated showcases.
Improvement to Facet Display
To increase accessibility, the display of facets has been updated to include word-wrapping in the Refine Result panel. The All Facet View popup has also been updated to display a single row of the first 24 word-wrapped facet values meeting the given search criteria with an up and down scroll bar to allow users to view full facet values in the popup.
Home Page Events
A message has been added that will show when trying to create an event in the past.
Please check your event dates, events need to happen today or in the future.
Link to Release Notes
You will soon see a link to the most current release notes in the Vega Staff Admin.
PayPal Configuration at Collection Site Level Fix
A problem was fixed that was preventing libraries who wanted to configure a PayPal payment account at the site level from being able to do so. This problem has been fixed and verified at multiple libraries.
Help Hover
The kids home page help hover has been removed.
Vega Won't Load on Apple Devices Running Earlier Versions of iOS
A fix has been released for earlier versions of iOS.
Expanded My Bookshelf Hides the Search Box
A fix has been released so you can use the search box without having to collapse My Bookshelf.
Editing a Published Image Pill Loses the Ability to Select a Color Tint
A fix has been released so you can edit a previously published Image Pill and change the color tint.
2023-08-30 Addendum
Help Hover
The help hover for the kids home page was inadvertently included in today's release. You'll see it when:
- Hovering on the right side of the home page
- Hovering on the right side of the grid view
- Hovering under the item cover on the details page
Patrons can click "No Thanks" to close the help bubble. The help hover will be removed with the next scheduled release.
Unroll Serial and Monograph Textual Works
Note: This change requires post deployment index updates that will be run for by Innovative. This change may not be visible in your Vega Discover site for up to a week.
Bib instances with LDR/06 'a' or 'm' (AND) LDR/07 'b', 'i', or 's' will now be assigned work.type = serial. Bibs with the work.type = serial designation are only permitted to roll up with other bibs with the work.type = serial designation.
Please note that a Book material tab and a Serial material tab can still appear in the same Work Level rollup in the following scenarios when an instance has a material type of Book or Serial but the LDR data doesn't match this material type.
A Book material tab and a Serial material tab can still appear in the same rollup if...
- A 'Serial' material type bib has LDR/07 that is not 'b', 'i', or 's'.
A 'Book' material type bib has LDR/07 'b', 'i', or 's'.
880 Agents display Can Now Be Requested
Note: This change requires that customers reach out to support to request the feature. A post deployment index will be run to update your Author data before we can enable this feature.
For libraries that have Alternate Agent/Author data in their MARC records, Vega can now index and display this data. Alternate Series data will be added in a future release with other series features.
Kiosk Level Selection for Sierra Libraries that display Shelf Locations
Please note that the Level Selector is now available for all Vega Customers at the Kiosk Level. If you are a Sierra Library that displays the Shelf Level for Locations in Vega Discover then you can now set up a Kiosk URL for your branches that will display call numbers and availability for the materials at all shelves belonging to the selected branch. Creating this kiosk will still display availability at the shelf level as configured for your library.
To create a Kiosk as a library that uses Shelf Level display, login to the Vega Admin and click the cog icon in the upper right. Under Library Defaults select Site Configuration. Click Add New Site , enter a name for your new Kiosk and select Kiosk. Add a domain name which will be the URL linking to your new Kiosk Site that can be configured on library use computers and kiosk software. Add the new site. In the Locations configuration for your new Kiosk. Select a branch level for your Kiosk, then select the location of the kiosk branch. Customize your kiosk as desired with other settings and use the new kiosk url for inhouse computers at the selected branch.
Grid View Global Settings
The work has been completed to enable the grid layout and make it the default. As part of that work, your Global Setting has been applied to all your kiosk and collections sites. If a configured site needs a different layout, you can turn off the Global Setting at the Site Configuration level.
Global Setting
Cog > Interface configurations > Experience Settings
- Disable grid layout
- Enable grid layout
- Enable grid layout and make it the default view
Site Configuration
Cog > Library defaults > Site Configuration > Edit > Interface configurations > Experience Settings
- If the global setting is enabled, you will see the Global Setting toggle switched to On, and the display options will be disabled.
To override the global setting, change the Global Setting toggle to Off. This will enable the Search Result Display Options and you can change the option.
Additional Fix for Missing titles in Vega Discover
Some larger library systems were experiencing a problem where some titles were not able to be found in Vega Discover due to very extensive work level rollups covering more than 300 instances. This problem has been fixed by extending the instance limit to 1000. Additional work will be done in the near future to apply a more permanent fix.
Some browsers unable to display holds and other patron data when user is using custom domain
A problem was fixed for libraries using custom domains where some patron data was unable to be displayed due to the custom domain when using Firefox.
Slow Loading of Extractions Page
The Record Extractions page was updated with pagination for every 50 jobs to decrease loading time of the extractions logs.
Published Home Pages Show an Empty Draft Page
If draft content is lost for any reason, the draft panel will default to the published version.
Editing a Home Page Component Moves it to the Bottom of the List
This problem was re-introduced in a recent release and has been resolved.
Grid View Covers
When a cover is missing, the grid view will match the generated covers from the list view.
Performance Improvements
Your home page will load faster with the release of back-end improvements.
Event Timing
During the scheduled event time, a tag will appear to show that the event is "In Progress".
Events that end on a different date are indicated with the start and end times. For example, if an event starts on November 18, but ends on November 19, the time displays as 11:30 PM - 12:30 AM | Nov 19.
Events That Have Ended
When an event is over, it automatically is removed from the published page. From the home page builder, expired events follow these rules:
- If all the events in a showcase component have ended, the component row is removed from the “Live” side of the staff configuration builder.
- If all the events in a showcase component have ended, the component row remains on the “Draft” side with an expired tag.
- There is a tag that tells you how many events in a component row have expired.
4. Expired events can be edited and republished with new dates and times.
5. On the published page visible to patrons, an “In Progress” tag will appear during the event time.
Fix for Patron Data Display when Vega has a custom domain
A problem was fixed where some patron account data was not displaying in Vega Discover sites that had been configured with a custom domain.
Improved Facet Response for Advanced and * Searches
Improvements were made to facet loading response when navigating to the Advanced Search and when doing * searches that load all Vega content.
Staff Setting Call Number Displayed On Results Save Button
A missing Save button was added to the Call Number Displayed on Results setting in the Vega Staff Admin settings.
Home Page Cover Carousel
A problem was fixed where the cover carousel would only display up to 10 covers. This has been corrected and selecting 24 covers will display 24 covers from the showcase.
Home Page Empty Draft
As a follow up to the July home page issues, the home page will copy the live page if the draft content is lost for any reason.
Set Kiosk Display to a Higher Level
Vega Staff Admins have a new configuration option to configure a kiosk to display at a higher hierarchy level. This feature allows libraries that choose to display item availability at a shelf location level to create a kiosk based on a branch location level. Note that this feature cannot be combined with Kiosks that are scoped to only show materials from one location.
If the Kiosk location is not at the same level as the Display as Item Location:
- The availability statement displays the Kiosk location, if an item is available at the Kiosk location; otherwise, it displays the Kiosk-level location of an available item at a non-Kiosk location.
- The first call number and shelf location are displayed for an available item or holdings at the kiosk location; otherwise, it displays first call number and shelf location of an available item at a non-Kiosk location.
- The locations list displays all the Kiosk display level locations that have items and their availability status.
- The item display level (the list of locations linked on the work) is not affected by changing the kiosk location level and will still display the item display level you chose in the location hierarchy settings.
Note: If the kiosk location is not set to a branch location, then Vega will be unable to sort the preferred locations to the top of the location drawer as it does in other scenarios.
Grid View Global and Site Settings
Vega Staff Admins have new configuration tools to control the Grid View display globally or override for a specific site configuration.
Global Setting
Cog > Interface configurations > Experience Settings
- Disable grid layout
- Enable grid layout
- Enable grid layout and make it the default view (coming soon!)
Site Configuration
Cog > Library defaults > Site Configuration > Edit > Interface configurations > Experience Settings
- If the global setting is enabled, you will see the Global Setting toggle switched to On, and the display options will be disabled.
- To override the global setting, change the Global Setting toggle to Off. This will enable the Search Result Display Options and you can change the option.
Home Page Cover Carousel
A problem was fixed where selecting the number of items to display was not respected. This has been updated to a dropdown to choose 6, 12, 18, or 24 item covers.
Home Page Showcase Group
A problem was fixed where selecting Collage Panels was preventing the Preview and Published page from loading.
Individual 880 Fields
Contact support if you want your individual 880 fields turned on. Please note that this feature is not fully released until the author names are displayed.
Find a Copy and Translation Files
We have investigated why "Find a copy" was not showing as expected at the August 20 Strategic Partner meeting. Upon closer inspection, the examples provided did have updated translations files. If you prefer "Find a copy", you can change the "viewAllLocations" string value from the Cog menu > Localization settings > Manage translations.
Home Page Video
Watch our 8 minute training video for tips on creating your Home Page. This has been added to the other videos available on the Vega Resources page.
Bug Fixes
Missing home pages
Thank you for opening support tickets for your missing home pages. The fix will be released on Wednesday, July 26. Once this is pushed, you’ll see your published home page from your main site on all configured sites.
Please note that libraries with a Premium or Consortia license are not impacted by this issue and can create individualized home pages for each site configuration.
Tips for Editing Your Home Pages
1. Use preview and another browser to compare changes from the live home page.
2. Close the browser tab with the home page editor before viewing the live site when using one browser.
3. Premium and Consortia library should only edit one collection or kiosk site at a time.
"Find a copy" and Call Numbers Added to All Locations view of Drawer
When your library has more than 6 locations displaying on a work, a link reading, "View More Copies" was available that would open the Location Drawer to a special All Locations view showing the names of all Libraries that have Available Copies with Libraries that have Unavailable Copies filtered to the bottom. The display string for this link has been updated globally to read, "Find a Copy".
Additionally the All Locations view that is displayed when you follow the Find a Copy link or the Locations Link from the Location Drawer view for a particular location has been enhanced to show the first Call Number for an available copy at each location. Call Numbers are also displayed for Unavailable copies to support browsing for similar titles on the shelf in that location.
TIP: You may need to clear your browser cache before seeing translation changes
Show First Available Call Number if No Other Preferred Call Number
A setting has been added to the Cog Menu in the Vega Staff Admin settings under Library Defaults > Display Configuration. Enabling "Show first available call number if no other call number is displayed" will result in the following changes to Vega Availability display.
1. The "Find a copy" link will display on works at all times.
2. When Viewing a Vega Catalog in as a Guest User, Vega will display the call number of the first available copy from the first alphabetical location.
3. When Viewing a Vega Kiosk Catalog as a Guest User, Vega will display the call number of the first available copy from the Kiosk Preferred Location. If the kiosk contains items from other locations and there are no copies at the kiosk location, Vega will display the call number and location of an available copy at the next available copy location.
4. When Viewing a Vega Collection Site Catalog as a Guest User, Vega will display the call number of the first available copy from the first alphabetical Preferred Location for the Collection Site. If the Collection Site contains items from other locations and no copies are available at a Collection Site Preferred Location, Vega will display the call number and location of an available copy at the next available copy location.
In general when this setting is enabled, Vega will prefer the display of call numbers in the following order based on availability:
1. kiosk preferred location
2. patron home location (if patron is logged in)
3. collection site preferred locations in alphabetical order by name
4. all other locations in alphabetical order by name
Additional Coverage for Default Cover Images
Coverage continues to expand for titles that do not have an ISBN.
• Bookmarks
• Showcases
• Saved searches
• Reading History
Note: Coverage for covers displayed in generated showcase code is not available yet.
Home Page Events
We have expanded the Home Page builder to include the manual creation of events. Staff Admins can create events that link to an external URL. For step by step instructions for creating events, expand the To configure a home page section in the Help Resources.
• Plain gives you 3 color options.
• Image allows you to upload an event image, but there is a darker overlay for text readability.
Home Page Responsive Improvements
A problem was fixed where Authors would overlap on mobile devices.
Home Page Hero
A problem was fixed to restore the dots under the hero that indicate the number of images.
Vega One Hour Maintenance Window July 6
Vega is releasing a critical infrastructure update that may cause some users to experience unresponsive pages during the 1 hour maintenance window (starting Midnight PST / 3a EST / 7p NZST and concluding in an hour). Refreshing the page will reload content. This applies to LX Starter, Promote, and Discover (Staff and Patron UIs).
Polaris Item Notes Update
For Polaris libraries that display public item notes, those notes now also display on the search and full resource display pages for works when the item availability message being displayed for a particular call number is an item with a public note. Remember that Polaris Item Notes can be toggled on and off for display in the Vega Staff admin, Cog Menu, Display Configuration settings.
Additional Coverage for Default Cover Images when no ISBN
We have expanded our coverage of default Vega generated cover images for titles that do not have an ISBN by extending these covers to display in Showcases that are displayed on Agent and Concept Detail pages and in the patron fines and fees display.
Additional Identifiers Fully Indexed and Ready to Use
Note that all Vega library's indexed have been updated and users can now search for ISSNs (022), Legal Deposit Numbers (015), ISMNs (024), Control Numbers (035) by pasting these identifiers into the search box of Vega. For a full list of all fields and subfields indexed for control numbers and other fields please check our documentation in the Supportal (requires login to Supportal for access).
ISSNs and Control Numbers can also be used to link directly to records in Vega Discover to in the same way that you can create a direct link to materials by ISBNs and RecordIDs. Full details available in the Staff Documentation.
Bug Fixes
Home Page Component Rows
A problem was fixed where Premium and Consortia libraries could select the 'Add More Content' button, but the 'Create Showcase Block' button was disabled after adding 5 rows of content.
Home Page Image Requirements
Have been updated to provide the more specific image recommendations detailed in the Help documentation.
Home Page Showcase Group
A problem was fixed where the configuration panel on the right was cut off and a scrollbar was needed to pan the panel.
Home Page Preview and Publish
A problem was fixed where having a Collage Panel was preventing the Preview and Published pages from loading.
Additional Identifiers Search & URLs
NOTE: This index update will be present by the end of next week as it requires Innovative to complete additional indexing to fully implement.
Additional material identifier numbers have been indexed into the "All" search for Vega Discover. You are now able to search for ISSNs (022), Legal Deposit Numbers (015), ISMNs (024), Control Numbers (035) by pasting these identifiers into the search box of Vega. For a full list of all fields and subfields indexed for control numbers please check our documentation (updated Monday).
ISSNs and Control Numbers can also be used to link directly to records in Vega Discover to in the same way that you can create a direct link to materials by ISBNs and RecordIDs.
Control Number URL:
Update to At Library Availability Filter for Holdings
NOTE: This update will be present by the end of next week as it requires Innovative to complete additional indexing to fully implement.
We have improved the Availability Filter's 'At Library' filter by including Serial titles that have Holdings but no items in the At Library filter results.
Additional Coverage for Default Cover Images when no ISBN
We have expanded our coverage of default Vega generated cover images for titles that do not have an ISBN by extending these covers to display in Showcases that are displayed on Work Detail pages and in the patron bookshelf.
Polaris Donor Facet and Search
NOTE: This facet and index update will be present by the end of next week as it requires Innovative to complete additional indexing to fully implement.
Polaris Libraries that record Donor Name and Organization information in Item Record details can now enable a Donor Facet in Vega Discover to allow library users to filter search results to materials donated by a particular person or entity. Donor Names and Organizations can also be searched in the All search of Vega Discover to locate materials associated with Donor information. In the Edition Table, if an item has been donated to the library and has associated Donor Name or Organization information, this information will display in the Item Details popup.
Bug Fixes
Some Records Not Appearing in Vega
NOTE: This fix/update will be present for all libraries by the end of next week as it requires Innovative to complete additional indexing to fully implement.
A problem was fixed where some titles could not be found in Vega. The problem was appearing for some libraries using the eContent APIs for OverDrive. The deletion method for OverDrive materials was causing an issue with Work Level rollups for associated titles in a work. A temporary fix was applied before this release and a long term fix has been applied with this code push. Post deployment processes run by Innovative will resolve any remaining issues by Friday.
Responsiveness Improvements for Generated Showcase Code Widgets
Our Vega Discover generated showcase widget code available for staff created showcases now provides a more responsive display for all devices. There is no need to regenerate code for showcases you are already using in websites, this change will apply automatically to existing showcases. When a showcase display is too wide for a device (too many covers configured for the display area) we gracefully reduce the displayed covers on the showcase row and allow left/right navigation without the need to scroll up and down to view resources in the showcase.
Editing a Home Page Component Moves it to the Bottom of the List
A problem was fixed where editing a previously published component row moved it to the bottom of the list. This has been updated so the component row updates to being Unpublished in the same position on the list.
Switching Between Pills and Panels Lost Showcases 4 - 8
A problem was fixed when comparing Showcase Group display types. You may now add up to 8 showcases as Pills, switch to Panels, then go back to Pills without having to reselect showcases and images.
Vega Resources
Home Page Video
Watch our 8 minute training video for tips on creating your Home Page. This has been added to the other videos available on the Vega Resources page.
Availability Filter Updates
NOTE: This change to the Availability Filter results will be present by the end of this week as it requires Innovative to complete additional indexing to fully implement.
The Availability Filter has been updated to provide improved filtering results
Choosing the 'At Library' filter will now filter search results to materials that are physical materials that can be retrieved at the library and are currently at an available status. Materials that are checked out or otherwise unavailable will no longer appear when the 'At Library' filter is selected. This filter also includes titles for physical material types that have been set to 'Always Available' status in the Material type settings.
Choosing the 'Online' filter will now filter search results to materials that can only be accessed online such as econtent from our supported vendors and other digital content that displays a 'check availability' button.
'Electronic' materials such as CD ROM and Video Games will no longer be included in the 'Online' filter and will correctly display in the 'At Library' filter if available.
In our next release we will further enhance the 'At Library' filter to also return serial titles that have holdings but no items.
Search and Refine by Publisher
NOTE: You can enable the publisher facet at any time after June 7th, the facet and publisher data will appear after Innovative completes indexing of this new data. Please allow until end of week for data to fully populate.
A Publisher facet is now available for libraries to enable in their Vega Catalog. The publisher facets allows users to limit search results to materials that were published by a particular entity.
Publisher names have also been indexed into the Everything search at our lowest relevancy boost. You can search for publisher names to retrieve materials published by a particular entity. The BibFrame fields used for search are filed under provisionActivity = publication and come from MARC 260 $ab or 264 second indicator 1 $ab. Only $b is included in the Publisher Facet. If your library has 880 support on, the 880 publisher data is also indexed and included in the facet. For publishers for an 880 equivalent both values appear in the facet and will retrieve the same results.
Polaris Public Item Notes
NOTE: This feature requires Polaris 7.4. For libraries on the correct version, public notes display can be enabled if desired in the Staff UI settings and notes will appear by the end of this week as this feature requires Innovative to complete additional indexing to fully implement.
For Polaris libraries a setting has been added to the Vega Staff Admin settings in the cog menu under Library Defaults called Display Configuration. On this page a setting can be toggled to enable the display of Polaris Public Item Notes in the Location Drawer (beneath call number, shelf location and collection information), in the Item Details popup from the editions table and also if the item displaying for availability on a card contains a note that will display in the availability message as well. The default setting for Display Public Item Notes is off.
OPAC Message Updates
For Sierra libraries, the OPAC Message field has been relocated in the Location Drawer to display directly beneath the Call Number and Shelf Location information for each item. When an OPAC message does not include a value and was previously displaying one or more dash marks, the Message field will no longer display for the item in the location drawer.
Collection Site Search Improvement
The speed of search retrieval in Collection Sites has been improved.
eContent Management Setting Fix
A bug was fixed where the cog link in the econtent management setting was not correctly linking to the Third Party Connection configured for the consortia main site.
Home Page Builder
- A bug was fixed where the scrollbar was missing from My Bookshelf when a home page is published.
- A bug was fixed where the hero and showcase images were cut off on mobile devices.
- A bug was fixed where changing an author didn't update the biography if there wasn't an author image.
- Backend handling of images has been improved.
Home Page
Thank you to our 20 Home Page early adopter libraries who provided feedback on the training process.
Vega Admins can customize a home page to display your published showcases and selected authors. Create rows of content and arrange them in your preferred order:
- Cover carousel
- Showcase group
- Hero carousel
- Authors
Discover and Discover+ libraries will be able to add up to 5 rows of any content type.
Discover Premium and Consortia libraries will be able to add up to 20 rows of content.
For more details on configuring your home page, look for new Home Page documentation this week in the documentation portal.
During the next two months, if you have questions or you would like some help with the configuration of your home page please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Home Page Onboarding team at
Vega Generated Covers for titles without Identifiers
Vega will now display generated cover images for titles that do not have identifiers. These titles would previous display a default grey cover with a line image of a document. Vega generated cover images will look similar to the ones that Syndetics Unbound provides when they do not have a cover for a title in their cover library. Generated covers will appear as a single color cover image with the author name displayed in the top left and the title displayed in the center. A dark grey bar across the bottom of the cover will display a format if one can be determined.
In this first release these covers will display in the search results and resource display pages for works. In a future release we will also apply generated covers to showcases, bookmarks, and other locations where covers display.
Grid View Preview
We need to add a Vega Staff Admin control to turn Grid View on/off before we release it. However, if you like what you see in the preview, email to have Grid View enabled now.
Bug Fixes
Hoopla Fix for Inactive Materials
A fix was applied for Libraries that use APIs to ingest Hoopla records directly into the Vega Context Engine to remove inactive materials from the ingested content. Vega will no longer ingest materials that you mark as inactive in the Hoopla content manager system. The recommended workflow for updating your Hoopla content in Vega is as follows:
- Take note of the materials you have marked as inactive in Hoopla manager.
- Change these materials to ACTIVE in Hoopla.
- Wait 24 hours for the Hoopla API job to run an update in Vega and verify that the update job was completed successfully.
- In Hoopla manager, mark all materials that you do not want to display to patrons in Vega as INACTIVE.
- Wait 24 hours for the Hoopla API job to run an update in Vega and verify that the inactive titles are no longer able to be found.
- Note: If you have ILS copies of materials from Hoopla that you have marked inactive in Hoopla manager these titles will still display in Vega as we prefer ILS records. You will need to delete these from the ILS to remove them from display.
Fix for Use API checkbox display in eContent Configuration
A display issue was fixed in eContent Configurations where the API checkbox position was being shifted to the right displaying in the middle of the descriptive text for some libraries.
Documentation Updates
We have updated the Vega Administrative help to improve the documentation searching experience for staff users at Vega libraries. The Vega admin help docs now include all patron documentation. Your library staff can bookmark the admin help docs and use this single interface to search documentation for both library staff and patron help needs. Vega Admin Documentation Link
NOTE: A feedback button is available for all Vega Administrative help topics and can be used to let us know how we can improve our documentation.
Bug Fixes
Fix for Polaris Patron Login
A problem was fixed where patrons that mistyped their username or password would see a spinner when attempting to login instead of the appropriate error message indicating they had entered the incorrect credentials.
Holds for physical 'electronic' materials
A problem was fixed where Vega was not allowing requests on physical electronic materials like video games, cd roms, dvds and other physical materials with electronic encoding in fixed fields.
Patron Synchronization Jobs
A problem was fixed where the patron synchronization process that runs nightly for Vega and enables you to associate staff patrons with showcase permissions was sometimes failing. Processes that become stale will now be canceled gracefully allowing the next scheduled job to pickup where it left off and provide patron updates.
VPAT fixes for focus issues
Several problems were fixed for focus related issues in Vega Discover
Home Page Configuration Fixes
Several fixes were made to the Home Page configuration (in Beta with some libraries) that allow full browsing of existing showcases.
Hold Logic Updates
New Logic has been applied to the Holds process in Vega when a work contains multiple editions. When placing such a hold Vega now chooses the edition that has the most items available at the patron's selected pickup location to both reduce patron wait time for items and reduce library logistics costs. When items are unavailable at the pickup location, Vega uses holds:copies ratios logic to choose the edition that is most likely to fulfill the patrons loan with the shortest wait time. Holds for materials with volumes information will similarly choose the edition with the most available copies at the pickup location or best holds:copies ratio when items are currently unavailable. Holds for materials with items as volumes will continue to provide the selected item to the patron.
Patron Location Updates
Vega Patrons now have access to a Preferred Pickup Location. Polaris Patrons will see their existing Preferred Pickup Location in Vega. Sierra Patrons will see their Home Location has been copied to their Preferred Pickup Location. The Preferred Pickup Location is the default selected pick up location when a patron begins placing a hold and can be changed in the Patron Profile. When placing a hold a patron can always select any other available location as their the pickup location for that particular hold.
Polaris Patrons will also now be able to update their Home Location in Vega. The default Home Location for Polaris patrons will be the same as their Registered Library location. This location does not exist in Polaris and is recorded in Vega only. It can be used by the patron to set their home library which causes Vega to display the call numbers of available books in that library when the patron is logged in and browsing Vega search results. Additionally the Polaris Registered Library Location will display in the patron profile. This field is not editable.
Collections Facet for Polaris Libraries
Polaris Libraries can now turn on a Collections Facet for display. The collection facet allows users to filter search results by Collection and will allow staff to create Collection filtered searches for creating showcases.
Grid View Preview
The sneak peak of Grid View for Vega search results now includes a tool tip to describe each icon. A screen reader will read the title, author and formats when the patron tabs into each title.
On the Search Results page, you can switch between list view and grid view.
The following image shows the Search Results page grid view.
Grid view icons
The icons in grid view indicate real-time availability of materials and the media type. The icons indicate the following statuses:
- Green: available
- Gray: check for availability
- Red: unavailable
- A slash over a gray or red icon indicates no copies are available.
The following table lists the icons and their definitions:
To use the search results grid view:
- On the Search Results page, select Grid View.
- Select a cover, title, author, or format icon to go to the Resource page
- To go back to the search results, select Back.
Bug Fixes
Search and Spin Fix for Sierra Libraries
A problem was fixed where patron sessions that had been active overnight were being disrupted in Vega. When Vega was unable to automatically reconnect the patron, searches would not complete and patron data would not load until the patron refreshed the browser. This problem has been fixed and Sierra patrons should no longer experience this problem after remaining logged in over the 90 day session time period.
Stop Words in Serial Titles Fix
A problem was fixed with search relevance for series titles that contained a lot of stop words such as "Chronicles of the One" resulting no matches for the series title.
Missing Strings for Location and New Materials Facet Now Available for Translation
Two Facets were previously unable to be translated in the Vega language strings. Location and New Materials facets and the New Materials search sort drop-down string are now able to be translated for all languages.
eContent Management Available for All Libraries
We are excited to announce that Electronic & Digital Content Management is ready for all of our clients!
All Libraries Pre-requisite:
Before you make a request to turn on this feature please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following Supportal articles and to perform any needed updates to your Material Types to support all needed eContent formats.
2. How Does Each Vendor Integration Work in Vega?
For libraries who are live with Vega Discover
Submit a Vega Support Ticket and Support will enable this new feature for you.
For libraries that are in Implementations or the Development Partner Program
Reach out to your project or product manager contact to schedule a meeting and we will walk you through the setup.
eContent Management Features Breakdown
1. Vendor Format Mapping. Tells Vega how to display content that we ingest from the vendor by mapping it to your existing ILS materials types. This will ensure that your econtent subscription materials interfile seamlessly with your other catalog materials in Vega and display to your patrons based on the material type vocabulary your library uses. Required before turning on the "Use API to provide records directly to Vega", option.
2. "Use API to provide records directly to Vega", option for each configured subscription. Ingest Records directly to the Vega Context Engine bypassing the ILS. If you use this method, all econtent subscription data will be managed by Vega. Vega will update your subscription content daily to add new content, update existing content, and delete expired content.
3. Upload Logo button for each vendor subscription. Allows the library to customize the vendor logo displayed in Vega search results.
4. eContent Management view for Consortia. Allows consortia managers to view an overview of how eContent is configured across all Consortia Collection Sites. Allows Consortias that share econtent subscriptions among one or more Collection Sites to share subscription content to participating Collection Sites.
5. Collection Site Level Configuration. Allows Collection Site member libraries that purchase econtent separately from the Consortia to ingest their purchased econtent directly into their site only.
6. Record Extraction Logging tools. Allows libraries to view econtent extraction details including, daily log of data updated, list of added/updated titleIDs, count of deleted titleIDs, search for records via ISBN, view a list of ingested records with title, author, isbn, and format data, download vendor metadata mappings, download individual vendor title and vegaframe formatted title metadata that was ingested into Vega.
7. Vendor provided images for ingested materials when available. Provides additional cover image coverage for titles that may not have a Syndetics provided image.
8. ILS cataloged titleID record preference default. If you catalog a record with a matching titleID to an ingested vendor subscription content record Vega will display your ILS copy of the record instead of the ingested copy. This allows library catalogers to provide an additional level of cataloging to portions of their econtent collections by loading some materials and adding additional metadata in the ILS.
Suppress Items from View in Vega by Status
The Staff Admin setting for Item Status Mappings has been updated with a new column labeled 'Suppressed'.
NOTE: Innovative must run a process to add an item suppression data field to the system. So please wait until Friday March 31st to assure that this process has completed on your Vega system before suppressing item statuses.
Once this process is complete, to suppress items that have a given item status from displaying in Vega, click the checkbox next to a status and Save the configuration. Allow a couple minutes for the status updates to index in Vega and update the display. Suppressed status items will not display in the Location Drawer or Editions table. If a title only contains items with a suppressed status it will display like a record that has no items attached and will not be able to be found in searches that are limited by the suppressed item's Location.
Bug Fixes
Data Fix for Axis360 eAudiobooks
A problem was fixed for eAudiobooks that have been ingested from the Axis360 APIs directly into Vega Discover Context Engine. The eAudiobook material type code was unexpectedly changed by the vendor, breaking the mapping for these types of materials so that they were mapping as the Default format type.
If you were an eContent Management Beta Partner and previously ingested Axis360 materials please reach out to your Product Manager contact for assistance in reingesting these materials using the corrected mapping so that they show up as eAudiobook materials.
Translation Workflow Updates
The string translation workflow has been updated to allow for easier translation of strings in Vega. In the Staff Admin choose Localization settings > Manage translations. You will see several new options for managing translations of strings in Vega. The Download Global Translation button will give you the default Vega language file for each language. To customize a translation file for the first time, download the global translation file and use the 'Upload' button to upload it. The new 'Edit' button will then allow you to edit custom strings from the staff ui in an editor without downloading the string file. To access a FIND tool in the editor, click inside the editor modal and use CTRL-F to open the find tool. Type in the string you would like to locate and use the Next and Previous match arrow buttons to navigate the strings file for each instance of that string. To update a string, edit the value displayed inside double quotes.
When you have customized string data in Vega for a language the last update date will be logged and displayed for the given language file.
Changes made to customize strings in Vega are now consistent across updates and new language strings will inserted into customize string files for editing as they are added to the system without wiping any previous translations to other strings.
NOTE: If you see any problems in Vega Discover with the display of strings or the Manage Translations workflows due to previously customized strings we recommend that you do the following steps in order:
- Turn off the custom translation in the Manage Translations settings enabling the default global translation for display.
- Download the Global Translation File for the language.
- Upload the Global Translation file for the language to populate the custom language file for editing.
- Use the Edit button to add previous custom strings.
NOTE: These strings will remain throughout future Vega updates and will not need to be reapplied as was the previous workflow.
- Re-enable the custom translation by turning on to display your custom strings in Vega Discover.
Bug Fixes
Notification Preference Fix (Polaris Libraries)
A problem was fixed where changing the patron notification preference to TEXT in Vega was deleting the phone number value for patrons.
API Ingested eAudiobook Rollups
For eContent Beta libraries, we have updated our ingest of eAudiobook materials from all eContent vendors to insert a required metadata value for audiobooks enabling materials that were previously unable to rollup into textual works to now do so. Work with your Product Manager or Implementations Manager to reindex previously ingested eContent and apply this update to your materials.
eContent Vendor Supplied Cover Images
Vega is now able to utilize URLs for book covers that we receive from vendors to provide cover images for materials.
Bug Fixes
Axis360 API Ingest
An issue with the ingest and index of eContent records from the vendor, Axis360 has been resolved. Libraries in eContent Beta who were waiting to test this vendor can begin testing again.
Zero Search Results Fix
An issue with bibliographic records having more than one material type that was causing searches for these materials to return 0 results has been fixed.
Borrowbox Language Fix
For materials from the Borrowbox subscription library that do not have language metadata a default language of English has been applied to records.
Increased Patron Lists Limit
All patron and staff patron lists limits have been increased to 400 lists. (Previous limits were 50 lists for patrons and 200 lists for staff patrons.)
Patron Lists Migration Available
We have completed some required updates to our patron lists migration script and are now able to begin migrating patron lists from your previous catalog/discovery system into Vega Discover. For libraries that are already live with Vega Discover reach out to Support to begin the process. For libraries in implementations or development partner libraries that are not yet live with Vega Discover work with your implementation manager or product management contact to schedule your patron list import. Note that patron lists should be imported to Vega once at the point when patrons will begin using lists only in Vega and that there is no synchronization between PAC/WebPAC/Encore to Vega Bookmark Lists after the migration.
Bug Fixes
Fix for Display of Works with Long Item Call Number Strings
A fix was made to correct an issue where works that had items containing lengthy call number strings were not properly displaying the Locations, Location Drawer details, or editions item details was fixed. All data now displays as expected.
Fix for Consortia Collection Site Search Filters
A fix was made to correct an issue where Collection Sites were including facet counts related to other site's materials that were scoped for econtent or locations. Collection Site facets should now reflect the correct counts for that site.
VPAT Accessibility Updates
Several fixes were released today to correct accessibility issues related to alternative text and focus requirements.
Custom Header Fixed Header Toggle
For Discover Premium and Consortia libraries that customize their Vega Header, a toggle is now available that allows you to disable the fixed header so that headers with larger announcements or other data will not occupy the screen when a patron is browsing the catalog.
Normalized eContent Logos
Our default eContent vendor logos have been normalized in size to support consistency in display when using defaults or custom logos.
Bug Fixes
Third Party Configurations for non eContent not deletable
In preparation for eContent Management features we disabled the delete option for econtent subscriptions. This unintentionally affected other third party connections such as Syndetics and Fine Payment. This has been corrected and non eContent connections can now be updated. Delete for eContent connections will be restored soon, reach out to support for help if you need to delete an eContent connection in the meantime.
Bolinda Borrowbox Integration
For libraries that use Bolinda Borrowbox as an econtent vendor a new configuration has been added to the Third Party Connections. When you have configured your borrowbox subscription connection details you will see Borrowbox logos on materials from this vendor and your patrons will be able to circulate materials from Borrowbox in your Vega Discover catalog.
Material Type Mappings for eContent
For our libraries that are Beta testing our eContent Management suite you will now be able to configure the material type mapping for the metadata you ingest via API from your econtent vendors. For each material type the vendor provides you will be able to select from your existing ILS material types to map 1:1 for each incoming format. Please work with your Product Management contact to enable this new feature in your next scheduled meeting.
ILS Preference for eContent Display
For our libraries that are Beta testing our eContent Management suite and are ingesting econtent directly from vendor APIs we now prefer matching titleID records that exist in the ILS. So if you have a copy of an econtent record in your catalog that matches the titleID of one you ingested through our vendor APIs, Vega will display the copy from the ILS.