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Considerations if your library is temporarily closing

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Temporary Closure

Note: Temporary closure steps will vary depending on the length of time your library system or branches will be closed. Please contact your Site Manager for advice on which actions are applicable to your situation.

Library Considerations:

  • How long will the library close? (Is it worthwhile to adjust the SA settings)
  • Will all branches within the system be closing?
  • Bibliographic Records: Will holds be canceled, reassigned to other branches, or held for an extended period?
  • Item Records: Do you want all items returned before the branch closes?
  • Patron Records: Do you want to charge fines while the branch is closed?


Further considerations to discuss with your Site Manager:

  • Extending due dates for items currently out to patrons when the library closes.
  • Extending Held Till dates for requests that are currently being held for patrons when the library closes.


Before Closure:



How to Perform


If you do not want fines charged while any of the branches are closed, add the closed dates to the Dates Closed policy table for the appropriate Library or Branch levels.

1. Admin->Explorer->System->Library / Branch->[Library Name] / [Branch Name]->Policy Tables->Dates Closed

2. Add dates.







Extend the maximum days an item will be held for pickup at System, Library, or Branch level as required.

1. Admin->Explorer->System->System / Library / Branch->System / [Library Name] / [Branch Name]->Parameters->Request->Hold Options->Terms tab

2. Update the number of days held for pickup.

If not all branches are closing, review all active/pending holds - change the pick-up branch or cancel requests as required.

To change pick-up branch:

1. Circulation->Request Manager->(Select branch name and status "Active")->Open hold request (double-click to open or right-click->Open)

2. Change pick-up branch using the drop-down menu.


To cancel:

1. Circulation->Request Manager->(Select branch name and status "Active")->Right click on hold request->Cancel hold

Stop RTF routing to prevent holds from routing to closed branch(es).

1. Admin->Explorer->System->[Branch]->Parameters->Request->Hold options->RTF

2. Check "Stop RTF Routing"

Remove branch(es) as a pick-up location in the PAC.

1. Admin->Explorer->System->[System & each branch level]->Parameters->Request->Hold options->Pickup tab

2. Check branch(es) to exclude.

Remove branch(es) as a preferred borrower

1. Admin->Explorer->System->[System & each branch level]->Parameters->Request->Hold options->Preferred tab

2. Uncheck branch to exclude.

Update the language used on the Hold notices in case requests do go Held.

1. WebAdmin->Language Tools->Product: Notices ->Search strings for NT_HOLD_EM_TEXT, NT_HOLD_SMS_TEXT, NT_HOLD_M_TEXT depending on delivery options enabled

2. Alter text as needed.



Create a custom HTML file to display a notice of the branch closure on the Portal Page of the PAC.

1. Create an HTML file with the notice of the closure

2. Admin->Explorer->System->[System & each branch level]->Profiles->PowerPAC

3. Double-click Portal custom content (URL) and type the complete URL for your content

4. Select File, Save

5. Reload the PAC using the WebAdmin/Language Editor utility

Update Patron Initiated Circulation Blocking Conditions to set the conditions that allow renewals from PAC, and by telephone and eContent circulation from PAC for all patrons.

1. Admin->Explorer->System->[System & each branch level]->Profiles-> Patron Services-> Patron initiated circulation: Blocking conditions.

2. Update patron and item blocks

3. Select File, Save

4. Reload the PAC using the WebAdmin/Language Editor utility

Patron Services

If you would like to temporarily halt Collection Agency while the library is closed, the Stop option within the Collection Agency Options will prevent the Submission and Update reports from generating.

1. Admin->Explorer->System->[System, Library, Branch]->Parameters-> Patron Services-> Collection agency options

2. Select the radio button next to the Stop option on the Control tab

3. Select File, Save



If you would like to grant more patrons access to online materials while the library is closed, consider removing SIP Patron Blocks to allow all patrons to access SIP authenticated content.

1. Admin->Explorer->System->[System & each branch level]->Profiles->SelfCheck Unit-> Patron Blocks

2. Uncheck all patron blocks

3. Select File, Save

4. Restart SIP

You may also wish to stop patrons from being blocked in SIP for "hard blocks" like exceeding the 2nd level fine amount or total overdues allowed for their branch and patron code in the Patron/Material Type Loan Limit Blocks Policy Table.

1. Admin->Explorer->System->[System, Library, Branch]->Policy Tables-> Patron/Material Type Loan Limits

2. Take screenshots of existing settings

3. Update any 2nd Level Fine Amount or Total Overdues that you would like to be temporarily increased for broader access.


Update the inbound telephony message to mention the branch closure.

1. WebAdmin->Language Tools->Product: Inbound Telephony->Search strings for PA_TEXT_GREETING

2. Alter text as needed.

3. On the Telephony server, navigate to C:\ProgramData\Polaris\[version]\WaveFiles\Inbound\ to delete the old file (clear the cache).

Day of Closure:



How to Perform




Change the branch hours of operation to "closed" for all days, or consider adding an Hours of Operation message in the PAC.

To change hours to closed:

1. Admin->Explorer->System->Branch->[Branch name]->Parameters->Patron Services->Hours of Operation

2. Check Closed for each day.

To add an Hours of Operation message: 

1. Admin->Explorer->System->Branch->[Branch name]->Profiles->PAC->Hours of Operation Message

2. Add message under "Display Text."

Suppress the branch from the PAC.

1. Admin->Explorer->System->Profiles->PAC->Suppress Branches

2. Check branch to suppress.

Suppress the branch items from the PAC.

Admin > Explorer > System and all branches > Policy Tables > Item Availability Display Order – Remove branch from list


Change inbound telephony to update the branch hours.

1. WebAdmin->Language Tools->Product: Inbound Telephony->Search Strings for PA_TEXT_LIBRARYHOURS

2. Alter text as needed.

3. Go to C:\ProgramData\Polaris\[version]\WaveFiles to delete the old file (clear the cache).

Prior to Re-opening:



How to Perform



Once you know your certain reopening date, make sure it lines up with what's in the Dates Closed table. If there are extra/future days within the Dates Closed table, remove them.

1. Admin->Explorer->System->Library / Branch->[Library Name] / [Branch Name]->Policy Tables->Dates Closed

2. Remove any extra dates when the library will actually be open.






Reset the maximum days an item will be held for pickup.

1. Administration->Explorer->System->Branch->[Branch name]->Parameters->Request->Hold Options->Terms tab

2. Change number of days held for pickup.

Replace branch as a holds pick-up location.

1. Admin->Explorer->System->[System & each branch level]->Parameters->Request->Hold Options->Pickup tab

2. Check branch to exclude.

Replace branch as a preferred borrower.

1. Admin->Explorer->System->[System & each branch level]->Parameters->Request->Hold Options->Preferred tab

2. Uncheck branch to exclude.

Start RTF routing to allow holds to begin routing to closed branch(es).

1. Admin->Explorer->System->[Branch]->Parameters->Request->Hold options->RTF

2. Uncheck "Stop RTF Routing"

Update the language used on the Hold notices if previously updated.

1. WebAdmin->Language Tools->Product: Notices ->Search strings for NT_HOLD_EM_TEXT, NT_HOLD_SMS_TEXT, NT_HOLD_M_TEXT depending on delivery options enabled

2. Alter text as needed.



Create a custom HTML file to display a notice of the branch re-opening on the Portal Page of the PAC.

1. Create an HTML file with the notice of the re-opening

2. Admin->Explorer->System->[System & each branch level]->Profiles->PowerPAC

3. Double-click Portal custom content (URL) and type the complete URL for your content

4. Select File, Save

5. Reload the PAC using the WebAdmin/Language Editor utility

Update Patron Initiated Circulation Blocking Conditions to set the conditions that block renewals from PAC, and by telephone and eContent circulation from PAC for all patrons.

1. Admin->Explorer->System->[System & each branch level]->Profiles-> Patron Services-> Patron initiated circulation: Blocking conditions.

2. Update patron and item blocks

3. Select File, Save

4. Reload the PAC using the WebAdmin/Language Editor utility

Patron Services

Re-enable Collection Agency processing so that Submission and Update reports resume

1. Admin->Explorer->System->[System, Library, Branch]->Parameters-> Patron Services-> Collection agency options

2. Select the radio button next to the Start option on the Control tab

3. Select File, Save



If previously modified, add back SIP Patron Blocks to block patrons access to SIP authenticated content.

1. Admin->Explorer->System->[System & each branch level]->Profiles->SelfCheck Unit-> Patron Blocks

2. Uncheck all patron blocks

3. Select File, Save

4. Restart SIP

If previously modified, reset your 2nd level fine amounts and total overdues to make sure patrons are appropriately blocked again following the reopening.

1. Admin->Explorer->System->[System, Library, Branch]->Policy Tables-> Patron/Material Type Loan Limits

2. Refer back to screenshots or notes of previous settings

3. Update any 2nd Level Fine Amount or Total Overdues back to the original.


Change inbound telephony to mention the branch reopening.

1. WebAdmin->Language Tools->Product: Inbound Telephony->Search Strings for PA_TEXT_GREETING

2. Alter text as needed.

3. Go to C:\ProgramData\Polaris\ [version\wavefiles to delete the old file (clear the cache).

Day of Re-opening:



How to Perform




Reset the branch hours of operation from "closed" for all days and remove Hours of Operation message in the PAC (if applicable).

To Change Hours from Closed:

1. Admin->Explorer->System->Branch->[Branch name]->Parameters->Patron Services->Hours of Operation

To Remove an Hours of Operation Message:

1. Admin->Explorer->System->Branch->[Branch name]->Profiles->PAC->Hours of Operation Message

2. Delete message under Display Text.

Un-suppress the branch from the PAC.

Admin->Explorer->System->Profiles->PAC->Suppress Branches->Uncheck branch

Un-suppress the branch items from the PAC.

1. Admin->Explorer->[System and all branches]->Policy Tables->Item Availability Display Order

2. Add the branch to the list.


Bulk change a record set of items to display in PAC.


Change inbound telephony to reset the branch hours.

1. WebAdmin->Language Tools->Product:Inbound Telephony->Search Strings for


2. Alter text as needed.

3. Go to C:\ProgramData\Polaris\[version]\WaveFiles to delete the old file (clear the cache).