This message pair is used to request patron information. (SIP standard. Polaris specific information in italics)
The SIP patron information 63 message
Example: 14:05:00.000: <109> (063195) <--- [6300120170101 120500 AO3|AA22222123456789|AC|AD|BP1|BQ1|AY0AZED8C\r](79).
Language - 3 characters^
Transaction date - 18 characters
Summary - 10 characters^
AO - institution ID (Organization ID) - variable length
AA - patron identifier (barcode) - variable length
AC - terminal password - optional, variable length
AD - patron password - optional, variable length
BP - start item - optional, variable length
BQ - end item - optional, variable length
The SIP patron information response 64 message
Example: 14:05:00.000: <367> (063195) ---> [64 00120170101 120500000000000000000000000000AO3|AA22222123456789|AEDoe, John|BZ0020|CA0010|CB0025|BLY|CQY|BHUSD|BV0.00|CC4.99|BD123 Main Street, Syracuse, NY 13202||BF315-555-1234|BC19801231 235959|PA1|PEMB|PS|U4Yes|U5|PZ13202|PX20180215 235959|PYN|FA0.00|AFPatron status is ok.|AY0AZA734\r](345).
Patron status - 14 characters^
Language - 3 characters^
Transaction date - 18 characters
Hold items count - 4 characters (only includes holds in a status of Held)
Overdue items count - 4 characters
Charged items count - 4 characters
Fine items count - 4 characters
Recall items count - 4 characters
Unavailable holds count - 4 characters
AO - institution ID (Organization ID) - variable length
AA - patron identifier (barcode) - variable length
AE - personal name - variable length
BZ - hold items limit - optional, 4 characters
CA - overdue items limit - optional, 4 characters
CB - charged items limit - optional, 4 characters
BL - valid patron - optional, 1 character, Y or N
CQ - valid patron password - optional, 1 character, Y or N
BH - currency type - optional, 3 characters^
BV - fee amount - optional, variable length
CC - fee limit - optional, variable length
AS - hold items - optional, variable length (sent for each hold item, only inlcudes holds in a status of Held)
AT - overdue items - optional, variable length (sent for each overdue item)
AU - charged items - optional, variable length (sent for each charged item)
AV - fine items - optional, variable length (sent for each fine item)
BU - recall items - optional, variable length (sent for each recall item)
CD - unavailable hold items - optional, variable length (sent for each unavailable hold item)
BD - home address - optional, variable length
BE - email address - optional, variable length
BF - home phone number - optional, variable length
AF - screen message - optional, variable length
AG - print line - optional, variable length
Some fields that Polaris has implemented for use:
AV - fine item details^^
BC - birth date
FA - estimated (accrued) fines
PA - patron code
PB -patron barcode (available in Polaris 5.1.261 and newer)
PC - PatronID (available in Polaris 5.1 and newer)
PE - patron organization or home branch
PS - patron statistical class
PX - patron expiration date
PY - expired patron flag
PZ - patron zip code
U1 - UDF 1 (available in Polaris 5.0 and newer)
U2 - UDF 2 (available in Polaris 5.0 and newer)
U3 - UDF 3 (available in Polaris 5.0 and newer)
U4 - UDF 4
U5 - UDF 5
^ See this solution for more details.
^^ See this solution for more details.
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