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Considerations if a branch is permanently closing

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Permanent Closure

Library Considerations:

Bibliographic Records

  • What will be done with active/pending holds? Canceled? Pick-up branch changed?

Item Records

  • What branch will the items be transferred to?
  • Will Collections be deleted? Items reassigned to a new collection?
  • What will be done when items have a due date past the branch closure date?
  • Determine what branch items out will be reassigned to during deletion.

Patron Records

  • What branch will the patrons be assigned to?
  • Will Patron Codes or Statistical Class Codes be deleted? Will patrons be reassigned to a new code?
  • What branch would you like patron fees to be reassigned to?
  • Be advised how the governing branch options will affect fine assignment – specifically if fines are assigned to the item's branch.

Before Closure:

ActionHow to Perform
Remove branch from the item availability display tables - system and branch levels.1. Administration->Explorer->System->[System & each branch level]->Policy Tables->Item Availability Display Order
2. Highlight all instances of branch name and click X to delete.
Remove Branch as a pick-up location in the PAC.1. Administration->Explorer->System->[System & each branch level]->Parameters->Request->Hold Options->Pickup tab
2. Check branch to exclude.
Remove Branch as a preferred borrower.1. Administration->Explorer->System->[System & each branch level]->Parameters->Request->Hold Options->Preferred tab
2. Uncheck branch to exclude.
Delete/Update holds routing sequence (primary and secondary) to exclude branch.1. Administration->Explorer->System->[System & each branch level]->Policy Tables->Holds Routing Sequences Primary & Secondary
2. Highlight all instances of branch name and click X to delete, or set "Days at Branch" to zero.
Review all active/pending holds - cancel or change pick-up branch.To change pick-up branch:
1. Circulation->Request Manager->(Select branch name and status "Active")->Open hold request (double-click to open or right-click->Open)
2. Change Pick-up Branch using the drop-down menu.
To cancel:
Circulation->Request Manager->(Select branch name and status "Active")->(Right-click on hold request)->Cancel hold
Set an end of term date for all branch owned items (or reassign items out to a new branch).1. Admin->Explorer->Branch->[Branch name]->Parameter->Patron Services->End-of-term due date options
2. Click "New" to add a date.
Change inbound telephony to mention the branch closure.1. WebAdmin->Language Tools->Product: Inbound Telephony->Search Strings for PA_TEXT_GREETING
2. Alter text as needed.
3. Go to C:\ ProgramData\Polaris\[version]\wavefiles to delete the old file (clear the cache).
Review options for Collection Agency.Admin->Explorer->Branch->Parameters->Patron Services->Collection Agency Options

Immediately Following Closure:

ActionHow to Perform
Change the owner, home and assigned branch on all items.Create a record set of items belonging to closing branch->Tools->Bulk Change->Location tab->Check "Owner," "Assigned Branch" and "Home Branch"->Select item's new branch from the drop-down
Reassign patrons to a new branch.Create a record set of patrons belonging to closing branch->Tools->Bulk Change->Registration tab->Check "Registered Branch"->Select new assigned branch
Remove branch from telephony call lists.1. Admin->Explorer->Server->[Phone Server]->Telephony->Outbound tab->Branch Assignment
2. Uncheck the branch to remove it from Telephony.
Suppress the branch in PAC.1. Admin->Explorer->System->Profiles->PAC->Suppress Branches
2. Check branch to suppress.
Disable Notices for the branch.1. Admin->Explorer->Branch->[Branch name]->Parameters->Notification->Notification Options
2. Go through each tab and uncheck each notification option and notice type to disable.


After Billing Cycle Ends:

ActionHow to Perform
Delete references from primary and secondary holds routing tables (if not previously deleted).1. Admin->Explorer->System->[System & branch level->Policy Tables->Item Availability Display Order
2. Highlight and click X to delete instances of branch.
Delete the OrgID folder for closed branch in telephony wave files.C:\ProgramData\Polaris\[version]\WaveFiles
Delete the branch address from the Addresses Policy Table.1. Admin->Explorer->System->Policy Tables->Addresses
2. Highlight all instances of branch name and click X to delete.
Delete references from the Dates Closed table.1. Admin->Explorer->Branch->[Branch name]->Policy Tables->Dates Closed
2. Highlight all instances of Branch Name and click X to delete.
Delete references from the PAC Limit by Display table.1. Admin->Explorer->Branch->[Branch name]->Policy Tables->PAC Limit By Display
2. Highlight all instances of branch name and click X to delete.
Delete references from the Search Databases table.1. Admin->Explorer->Branch->[Branch name]->Policy Tables->Search Databases
2. Highlight all instances of branch name and click X to delete.
Delete references from Bibliographic Tags to Retain/Delete table.1. Admin->Explorer->Branch->[Branch name]->Policy Tables->Bibliographic Tags to Retain/Delete
2. Highlight all instances of branch name and click X to delete.
Delete references from Authority Overlay Retention table.1. Admin->Explorer->Branch->[Branch name]->Policy Tables->Authority Overlay Retention
2. Highlight all instances of branch name and click X to delete.
Delete references from the Item Block Descriptions table.1. Admin->Explorer->Branch->[Branch name]->Database Tables->Item Block Descriptions
2. Highlight all instances of branch name and click X to delete.
Delete references from the Item Create Call Number Hierarchy table.1. Admin->Explorer->Branch->[Branch name]->Database Tables->Item Create Call Number Hierarchy
2. Highlight all instances of branch name and click X to delete.
Delete references from the Item Create Price Hierarchy table.1. Admin->Explorer->Branch->[Branch name]->Database Tables->Item Create Price Hierarchy
2. Highlight all instances of branch name and click X to delete.
Delete references from the Shelf Locations table.1. Admin->Explorer->Branch->[Branch name]->Database Tables->Shelf Locations
2. Highlight all instances of branch name and click X to delete.
Delete or reassign branch's item templates.1. Cataloging->Templates->Item->Search for all templates (*)
2. Click inside the results and hit CTRL+SHIFT+A to view all results
3. Click the "Assigned Branch" column header to sort by branch
4. Right-click on each template owned by the branch and "Open" to reassign to a different branch or "Delete" to delete.
Delete or reassign branch's record sets.1. Cataloging->Record Sets->Search for all record sets (*)
2. Click inside the results and hit CTRL+SHIFT+A to view all results
3. Click the "Owner" column header to sort by branch
4. Right-click on each record set owned by the branch and "Open" to reassign to a different branch or highlight multiple instances of the branch and right-click "Delete."
Delete z39.50 connections from branch level PAC.1. Admin->Explorer->Branch->[Branch name]->Profiles->PowerPAC->Categorization of ESource targets
2. Highlight instances and click "Delete."


6 Months after Closure:

ActionHow to Perform
Reassign staff member to their new branch.1. Admin->Staff Member->Search for staff member name (double-click to open)
2. Change branch in "Organization" drop-down menu.
Adjust staff permissions to match new branch (remove old permissions for closing branch).1. Admin->Staff Member->Search for staff member name (double-click to open)->View->Permissions
2. Adjust as needed.
Reassign or delete all workstations.1. Admin->Workstation->Search for workstation name (double-click to select)
2. Change branch in "Parent Branch" drop-down menu.
Adjust workstation permissions to match new branch.1. Admin->Workstation->Search for workstation name (double-click to select)->View->Permissions
2. Adjust as needed.