Is it possible to add a new circulation status?

A new circulation status cannot be added. Circulation statuses are hard coded in SQL, and there are specific actions attached to most statuses. However, you can change the description (display name) of a current status that may not be in use and has no functionality, such as "In Repair" or "Bindery."

Any specific action associated with the edited status will not be changed. For example, changing the description of "Lost" will not affect the actions associated with this circulation status, such as how charges associated with lost items are applied to the patron account.

To change the description of a circulation status, follow these steps:

  1. In the Administration Explorer tree view, open the Database Tables folder for the organization, and select Circulation Statuses.
  2. Select the circulation status entry and click . The Modify Item Status dialog box appears.
  3. Type the new description in the Description box. Modify the description so that it is understandable to everyone, including patrons.